


  • 编  号:812310
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作品分类 陶瓷紫砂- 瓷器-明代 品种 青花 器型
窑口 其他窑口


月瓶外形最早源自宋元时期流行于西夏的陶制马挂瓶,左右双系,用以挂于马鞍之侧,极具民族特色。明代以青花为装饰,结合抱月瓶自身独特风格,将色彩与器形完美融于一体,使其发展成为陈设用的艺术品。抱月瓶以永宣时期最负盛名,其异域风格的造型、浓重明艳的呈色、超凡脱俗的纹饰,恢宏雄奇,动人心魄,如日中天,代表了中国青花瓷制作的水平,被后人赞誉为“发旷古之未有,开一代之奇葩”。抱月瓶以永宣时期最负盛名。 小口、直颈,颈侧双耳,因瓶腹似圆月,故名。外形最早源自宋元时期流行于西夏的陶制马挂瓶,左右双系,用以挂于马鞍之侧,极具民族特色。明代永乐、宣德景德镇窑常见器物之一,雍正早期烧制,后停烧。乾隆时又有烧制,多为青花。 拍卖场的经典瓷器,「青花双耳抱月瓶」必占一席,不时见于各大拍卖行的图录封面之上。由于形似满月,故又雅称「抱月瓶」或「宝月瓶」。抱月瓶创烧于明代,原形应来自中东,后融合于中华工艺。大型扁壶烧制不易,会因承受不了窑内高温而坍塌变形。 乾隆一朝,正处于中国封建社会发展的顶峰,国力强盛,物产丰隆。酷爱艺术的乾隆皇帝凭借盛世昌隆,不遗余力地发展文化艺术,其艺术鉴赏水准代表当时社会最高水平, 皇家审美也成为艺术品最高端的审美追求。乾隆帝崇古之情尤甚,因此多有对历代名瓷的临摹与仿制,但又不拘泥于故有形制,屡有创新.     


The shape of moon flask originated from the pottery horse flask popular in the Xixia Dynasty during the Song and Yuan Dynasties. The left and right sides of the moon flask were double tied and used to hang on the side of the saddle. It has strong national characteristics. The Ming Dynasty decorated with blue and white, combined with the unique style of holding the moon bottle, the color and shape of the perfect integration, so that it developed into a display work of art. The moon bottle is most famous in the Yongxuan period. Its exotic style, thick and bright color, extraordinary and free from vulgar decoration, magnificent and magnificent, moving and at the peak of the day, represents the level of Chinese blue and white porcelain production, and is praised by later generations as "unsurpassed in ancient times and a wonderful work of a generation". The most famous time for holding the moon bottle is the Yongxuan period. Moon flask is a kind of porcelain in Qing Dynasty. Also known as "precious moon bottle". Small mouth, straight neck, neck side ears, because the belly of the bottle like a full moon, so named. The shape originated from the pottery horse bottle popular in the Xixia Dynasty in the Song and Yuan Dynasties. The left and right sides of the vase were used to hang on the side of the saddle, showing the national characteristics. The Ming Dynasty Yongle, Xuande Jingdezhen kiln one of the common utensils, Yongzheng early firing, after the stop firing. Qianlong time and firing, mostly blue and white. The classic porcelain in the auction field, "blue and white moon bottle with two ears in the arms" will occupy a seat, from time to time in the cover of the catalogue of the major auction houses. Because the shape resembles the full moon, it is also called "holding the moon bottle" or "precious moon bottle". The moon flask was created in the Ming Dynasty. The original form should be from the Middle East, and then it was integrated into Chinese crafts. Large flat pot is not easy to fire, because it can not withstand the high temperature in the kiln and collapse deformation. Qianlong was at the pinnacle of the development of China's feudal society, with strong national strength and rich products. Emperor Qianlong, who loved art, spared no effort to develop culture and art by virtue of his prosperity and prosperity. His art appreciation represented the highest level of society at that time, and the royal aesthetic became the highest aesthetic pursuit of artworks. Emperor Qianlong was especially fond of the ancient, so he copied and imitated the famous porcelains of the past dynasties, but he did not stick to the shape and structure of the ancient porcelains, and made innovations frequently. This blue-and-white dragon pattern moon vase in Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty is a masterpiece handed down from the period of Qianlong. It is well made and has a high collection value.  


