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两宋的灭亡和钧官窑停烧,使钧瓷业遭受重创,工匠们在兵灾战火中亡命他乡,将制钧技术带到了全国各地。元朝统一中国后,为钧瓷的生存提供了相应的条件,钧瓷窑变艺术得以传播延续,并播火全国,形成了一个庞大的钧窑系。《中国陶瓷史》载:“钧瓷的烧造虽始于北宋,但钧窑之形成一个窑系,主要在元代。”以禹州为中心,不但在河南有众多的窑口在仿制钧瓷,而且波及广东、江苏、浙江、江西、河北、山西等地,其仿钧制品达到了一定水平并产生了巨大影响。 元代时北方很多民窑成为这时的一个主要的窑系,这些窑场大量生产日用瓷器,工艺技术较粗糙,与宋代禹县烧造的精品相比,较为逊色。元代钧窑器胎质较粗松,积釉肥厚,多棕眼,釉泡,光泽较差,器型一般较为厚重而丰富。 北宋年间,宋徽宗在禹州钧台附近设“钧官窑”烧造贡品御瓷。立命每年只烧造36件珍品进献,其余全部砸碎深埋,民间不得私藏器物,并刻有一致十的汉字数字,同号配套。这些极为珍贵的钧瓷选入宫中,供皇室使用,使宋钧成为奇珍异宝,故称“传世钧瓷”。所以有“黄金有价钧无价”、“纵有家财万贯,不如钧瓷一片”的盛誉,并由此成为历代帝王御用贡瓷之一。  


The demise of the Song Dynasty and the cessation of the firing of Jun kiln caused jun porcelain industry to suffer a heavy blow. Artisans fled to other places in the war and war and brought jun technology to all parts of the country. After the Unification of China in the Yuan Dynasty, conditions were provided for the survival of Jun porcelain, and the art of jun porcelain kiln was spread and continued, and spread throughout the country, forming a huge Jun kiln system. "History of Chinese Ceramics" stated: "Although the firing of Jun porcelain began in the Northern Song Dynasty, jun kiln formed a kiln system, mainly in the Yuan Dynasty. Yuzhou as the center, not only in Henan there are many kilns in imitation jun porcelain, but also spread to Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hebei, Shanxi and other places, the imitation jun products reached a certain level and had a great impact. In the Yuan Dynasty, many kilns in the north became a major kiln system at that time. These kilns produced daily porcelain in large quantities, with relatively rough technology, which was inferior to the fine products fired in Yu County in the Song Dynasty. Jun kiln ware of Yuan Dynasty is coarse and loose, thick glaze, brown eyes, glaze bubbles, poor luster, and thick and rich ware type. During the Northern Song Dynasty, Emperor Huizong of The Song dynasty set up a "Jun guan kiln" near Yuzhou Juntai to burn imperial porcelain tribute. Set up a life every year to burn only 36 treasures come to offer, the rest all smash deep bury, folk cannot hide utensils, and engrave the Chinese character number that has consistent 10, form a complete set with the number. These extremely precious Jun porcelain was selected into the palace for the royal family to use, so that Song Jun became a rare treasure, so it is called "handed down Jun porcelain". Therefore, it has the reputation of "gold is valuable and jun is priceless" and "even if you have a lot of money, it is not as good as Jun porcelain", and thus became one of the imperial tribute porcelain.  


