


  • 编  号:804760
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  • 销售状态:展示  
  • 库  存: 1
  • 售  价:议价
买家服务热线: 400-601-8111

(平台服务时间:周一到周五 9:00-17:00)

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作品信息 交易评论 本画廊其他作品
创作年代 不详
作品分类 杂项- 现当代钱币-现当代钱币 品相 九品(近完美品) 品类 其它
作品标签 艺术礼品



  刀币作为春秋晚期至战国时期的燕国、齐国、赵国、中山国所通行的货币类型。东方的齐国和北方的燕国主要使用刀币,可分“燕明刀”和“齐刀化”二大类型。刀币形状取象于山戎 、北狄等北方游牧民族渔猎用的刀类工具。刀币形状刀背分弧背、折背、直背,刀首有平首,尖首之分,也是我国早期一种青铜铸币,具有一定的收藏和投资价值。  




The collection consists of eight sword coins, which are one of the bronze coins in the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period. In ancient China, the copper coins were made by imitating the shape of a small knife with a ring head. The knife coin is one of the bronze coins in the spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States period. Its shape evolved from agricultural tools, hand tools and daily utensils in the spring and Autumn period. There are different types, according to their characters or shapes, there are many kinds. It mainly circulated in Qi, Yan, Zhao and other countries during the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period. The Dao coin is composed of the head, body, handle and ring. The head of knife is the main basis to divide the type of Dao coin. Dao coin is a general term for various kinds of knife shaped coins, such as sharp head Dao, needle head Dao, Qi Dao, Ming Dao, and round head Dao, which were cast in the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period. It is named after its shape like a knife.  

As the currency type of Yan, Qi, Zhao and Zhongshan from the late spring and Autumn period to the Warring States period. The state of Qi in the East and Yan in the North mainly used Dao coins, which can be divided into two types: "Yanming Dao" and "Qi Dao Hua". The shape of the Dao coin is similar to that of the northern nomadic peoples such as Shanrong and Beidi. The shape of the Dao coin is divided into arc back, folded back and straight back. The head of the knife can be divided into flat head and sharp head. It is also a kind of early Bronze Coin in China, which has a certain value of collection and investment.  

There are many kinds of ancient coins in China, including shell coins of the Shang Dynasty, knives and cloth coins of the Warring States period, square hole round coins of the Qin Dynasty and machine-made currencies of the end of the Qing Dynasty. Their cultural and historical values and collection and investment values have attracted many investment enthusiasts and are deeply sought after by the public.


