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创作年代 明清
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作品标签 艺术礼品


乾隆通宝是乾隆时期的流通货币, 乾隆皇帝在位的60年里施展其“文治武功”的治国策略,创造了封建社会里最后一个辉煌盛世,之后民间便盛传佩带“乾隆通宝”铜钱可驱灾辟邪,又因乾隆二字谐音“钱隆”而备受后世藏家所喜爱的钱币。该钱币铸于清高宗乾隆年间(1736-1795年),背面的满文比较复杂,上面有很详细的价格和钱币拓片。钱面文字"乾隆通宝"以楷书书写,其字从上而下而右而左直读。钱背文字沿雍正满文钱式穿孔左边有"宝"字,穿孔右边铸有各局名。币种与不同时期形状与大小也有不同。钱币收藏是民间收藏中一个重要的门类,收藏者的目光多专注于古钱币、主币或贵重的金银币 ,对于铜元这种出现于二十世纪初、只使用了三十余年的辅币往往不以为意,即使是专业研究人员也相对较少。其实,铜元中也不乏千金难求的珍品。随着时间的推移和朝代的变更,古代钱币也随之悄然的流失,逐渐的减少,并且古代钱币有着不可复制的特性。因此,人们逐渐意识到钱币收藏的意义和价值,古钱币的收藏,创造出来了神话般的奇迹,古币虽然早已不再作为钱币在市面上流通使用,但却有着非凡的收藏价值,从而给收藏者带来了意想不到的财富。钱面文字“乾隆通宝”以楷书书写,其字从上而下而右而左直读。 藏品虽经历了无穷岁月,但纹路依然清晰可见,具有非常明显的历史过渡性特征,有着难以言喻的收藏价值。清高宗乾隆皇帝于公元1735年即位,在位的60年里施展其“文治武功”的治国策略,创造了封建社会里最后一个辉煌盛世,之后民间便盛传佩带“乾隆通宝”铜钱可驱灾辟邪,又因乾隆二字谐音“钱隆”而备受后世藏家所喜爱。据闻,收藏“乾隆通宝”的人都会沾其“钱气”财运亨通,福泽连绵。铜钱性刚,五行属金,铜质吸收气场的力量比金银都好。因此,铜钱具有极强的化解煞气的作用。加上铜钱外圆内方,外圆代表天,内方代表地,中间的皇帝年号代表人,“天、地、人”三才具备,因而具有扭转乾坤的能量。正是凝聚了这样的帝王霸气和中华神气,才引得世人追捧。


Qianlong Tongbao was the currency of Qianlong period. During his 60 years in power, Emperor Qianlong exerted his strategy of "culture, politics and martial arts" and created the last glorious age in the feudal society. After that, it was widely said that wearing "Qianlong Tongbao" copper coin could drive away disasters and evil spirits, and was loved by later collectors because of Qianlong's homonym "Qianlong". The coin was coined in the reign of Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty (1736-1795). The Manchu characters on the back of the coin are complicated, and there are detailed prices and rubbings on it. Qian Long Tongbao was written in regular script, which was read from top to bottom, right and left. The characters on the back of the coin were perforated along the Yongzheng Manchu coin style, with the word "Bao" on the left and the names of various bureaus on the right. The shape and size of the currency are also different from those of different periods. Coin collection is an important category of folk collection. Collectors focus on ancient coins, main coins or precious gold and silver coins, but they often don't care about copper coins, which appeared in the early 20th century and only used for more than 30 years. Even professional researchers are relatively few. In fact, there are many rare treasures in the copper yuan. With the passage of time and the change of dynasties, the ancient coins also quietly lost, and gradually reduced, and the ancient coins have characteristics that can not be copied. Therefore, people gradually realize the significance and value of coin collection. The collection of ancient coins has created a miracle like myth. Although ancient coins are no longer used as coins in the market, they have extraordinary collection value, which brings unexpected wealth to collectors. Recently, our company has the honor to collect a group of Qianlong Tongbao. The collection is of exquisite craftsmanship and good appearance. The copper coins are wrapped into the bone and the circulation trace is natural. It has high investment value and collection value. Qian Long Tongbao was written in regular script, which was read from top to bottom, right and left. Although the collection has gone through endless years, its lines are still clear and visible. It has a very obvious historical transitional characteristics and has an indescribable collection value. Emperor Qianlong, Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty, ascended the throne in 1735 A.D. during his 60 years in power, he exerted his strategy of "cultural, political and martial arts" and created the last glorious age in the feudal society. After that, it was widely said that wearing the "Qianlong Tongbao" copper coin could drive away disasters and ward off evil spirits. It was also loved by later generations of collectors because of the homophonic "Qian Long" of Qianlong. It is said that people who collect the "Qianlong Tongbao" will get their "money" and have a good fortune. Copper coins are hard in nature, and the five elements are gold. The power of copper to absorb Qi field is better than that of gold and silver. Therefore, the copper coin has a very strong role in dissolving evil spirit. In addition, the outer circle represents the heaven, the inner side represents the earth, and the emperor's year title in the middle represents the person. Therefore, it has the power to change the universe. It is the combination of such imperial domineering and Chinese air that it attracts people's attention.


