


  • 编  号:809196
  • 销售状态:展示   展览中 2022.05.24号后可提货
  • 库  存: 1
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作品分类 金属器- 铜器-青铜器 品相 全品 器型


铜镜一般是含锡量较高的青铜铸造。在古代,最早的商代是用来祭祀的礼器出现,在春秋战国至秦一般都是王和贵族才能享用,到西汉末期铜镜就慢慢的走向民间,是人们不可缺少的生活用具。它制作精良,形态美观,图纹华丽,铭文丰富,是中国古代青铜艺术文化遗产中的瑰宝。 在诸多古物收藏中,铜镜因其“刻画之精巧,文字之精奇,辞旨之温雅”越来越引起现代藏家的重视。收藏一面铜镜,欣赏精良的纹饰镜铭,可陶治性情,从先秦至民国,每一面铜镜都包涵了它所在时代的文化特征及艺术价值。 古铜镜不仅具有很高的文物价值、学术价值、艺术价值,还具有巨大的升值空间和投资潜能。此件汉代风格的铜镜,规格:厚度0.214cm   直径10cm重214g。铜镜为圆形,正中饰圆钮,双圈纹组成,此镜版模精细,纹饰独特,包浆古朴,为汉代镜中珍品,值得收藏。 汉代是我国铜镜发展的重要时期。中国铜镜,以汉镜出土的数量最多,使用普遍,汉镜不仅在数量上比战国时期多,而且在制作形式和艺术表现手法上也有了很大发展。这些新的镜类对后世铜镜的发展,起着承上启下的作用。 英文翻译: Copper mirrors are generally cast in bronze with a higher tin content. In ancient times, sacrificial vessels for sacrifice appeared in the earliest Shang Dynasty. In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period to the Qin Dynasty, they were generally enjoyed by Kings and nobles. By the end of the Western Han Dynasty, bronze mirrors were slowly coming to the people and became an indispensable living tool for people. It is well made, beautiful in shape, gorgeous in pattern and rich in inscriptions, which is the treasure of ancient Chinese bronze art and cultural heritage.   Among many collections of antiquities, bronze mirrors have attracted more and more attention from modern collectors because of their "exquisite depiction, exquisite writing and gentle and elegant speech". Collect a bronze mirror, appreciate the fine decorative mirror inscription, pottery can govern temperament, from the pre-Qin to the Republic of China, each side of the bronze mirror contains the cultural characteristics and artistic value of its time.   The ancient bronze mirror not only has a high cultural heritage value, academic value, artistic value, but also has a huge appreciation space and investment potential. This Han Dynasty style bronze mirror, specification: thickness 0.214cm diameter 10cm weight 214g. The bronze mirror is round, decorated with a round button in the center and made up of double circles. This mirror has fine plate, unique ornamentation and primitive paste. It is a treasure of Han Dynasty mirrors and is worth collecting.       The Han Dynasty was an important period for the development of bronze mirrors in China. Of the Han mirrors unearthed in China, the largest number are widely used. Han mirrors are not only more numerous than those of the Warring States Period, but also have made great progress in their production forms and artistic expression techniques. These new types of mirrors played a connecting role in the development of later generations of bronze mirrors.


