


  • 编  号:783861
  • 销售状态:待售(不可在线交易)  
  • 库  存: 1
  • 售  价:议价
买家服务热线: 400-601-8111

(平台服务时间:周一到周五 9:00-17:00)

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作品信息 交易评论 本画廊其他作品
创作年代 不详
作品分类 陶瓷紫砂- 瓷器-清代 品种 青花 器型
窑口 其他窑口



此件清代青花折纸花卉龙纹杯,(杯盏口径 15.4 cm,圈足直径6.8 cm),(杯盏口径,14.5cm,圈足直径6.4cm),(杯盏口径,12.4cm,圈足直径7.3cm)。胎质坚硬,釉面均匀,釉光莹润,其色娇艳青翠。清新明快。杯身饰两条四爪行龙,龙纹层次分明,笔触细腻,绘画工整,青花发色典雅,构图繁而有序、层次清晰,隽美潇洒,气韵流畅,龙纹作为一种装饰,象征着权利、身份、地位。在社会等级划分极其清晰的古代社会,具有龙纹的器物可谓弥足珍贵。”家有千金不如家有一宝,家有一宝不如家有朝堂一瓷宝”。随着时代的变迁,在不同的历史时期,为了区分本朝与其他时期不同,通过绘制不同纹饰来体现当时社会阶级文化性与社会性。因此,在不同时期在各类瓷器上绘制的龙纹皆不同。在历史繁荣时期,瓷器龙纹绘制异常精妙,精工细作,仿佛浑然天成,每一笔每一划能看出当时国富民丰;在历史震荡期,瓷器色彩暗淡,龙纹绘制如潜龙在渊,鼻眼明显,龙须朝前,胡须稍撇,龙纹多了层次感,龙鳞处细描。龙脚较直,仿佛在天空中悠闲惬意的翱翔行走。令人叹为观止。
英文翻译: This Qing Dynasty blue and white origami flower dragon pattern cup, (caliber of cup is 15.4 cm, circle foot diameter is 6.8 cm), (caliber of cup, 14.5 cm, circle foot diameter is 6.4 cm), (caliber of cup, 12.4 cm, circle foot diameter is 7.3 cm). The tire is hard, the glaze is even, the glaze is shining and lustrous, and its color is delicate and green. Fresh and bright. The cup body is decorated with two four-claw dragons, with distinct dragon patterns, delicate brush strokes, neat painting, elegant blue and white hair color, complex and orderly composition, clear layers, meaningful and elegant, flowing charm. As a decoration, the dragon pattern symbolizes rights, identity and status. In the ancient society where the social hierarchy is very clear, the objects with dragon patterns are very precious. A family with a thousand gold is not as good as a family with a treasure. A family with a treasure is not as good as a family with a chaotic hall and a porcelain treasure. With the changes of the times, in different historical periods, in order to distinguish this dynasty from other periods, different decorations were drawn to reflect the cultural and social nature of the social class at that time. Therefore, the dragon patterns painted on various kinds of porcelain in different periods are different. During the prosperous period of history, the dragon pattern of porcelain was exquisitely drawn and elaborated, as if it were natural. Every stroke could show the prosperity of the country and the people at that time. In the period of historical shock, the color of porcelain was dim, and the dragon pattern was painted like a hidden dragon with obvious nose and eyes. The Dragon Beard was facing forward, the beard was slightly skinned, the dragon pattern had more layers, and the dragon scale was carefully traced. The dragon feet are straight, as if they were flying leisurely and comfortably in the sky. It's amazing.
In recent years, more than 100 million yuan of auction products have been produced in ancient China, especially Ming and Qing porcelain, which has always been the absolute mainstream of the antique market. Ming and Qing ceramics have been in the forefront of the domestic market in terms of quantity and value, whether in auction or collection markets. Its historical and cultural value, collection value and investment value are relatively high.
