- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 7分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:23年
- 展厅面积:300平米
- 地 区:上海-普陀
- 展览时间:2016-08-20 - 2016-10-23
- 展览城市:上海-普陀
- 展览地点:J: GALLERY,上海市莫干山路50号17号楼102
- 策 展 人:陈陈陈
- 参展人员:
J: GALLERY荣幸呈现由年轻艺术家,策展人及音乐人陈陈陈策划的系列展览“绝地反击”之第一波“热”。此次展览灵感由李振华启发,参展艺术家包括李振华,何翔宇,陈陈陈,李维依,宋兮,卢征远,叶楠,张权。展览将于2016年8月20日开幕,展至2016年10月23日。
“绝地反击”系列展览将会在展览空间中制造并强化通常意义上的各种绝境,艺术家们用创作对“绝境”进行回应。“不良环境”,即便是酷热难耐的高温空间,也可以用想象力将其降服。此次,艺术家们将用自己独特的创作去与酷热相处,用多元媒介综合各异的表现形式,从不同的角度更新对热的新奇理解。 在“绝地反击”的展厅,在一件件作品的化学作用下,热变的合理,甚至成为一种求之不得的体验。
J: Gallery is honoured to present “Hot”, the first episode of the serial exhibition “Total War or Nothing at All”, curated by Chen Chenchen, young artist, curator and musician. This exhibition is initially inspired by Li Zhenhua, participating artists include Li Zhenhua, He Xiangyu, Chen Chenchen, Li Weiyi, Song Xi, Lu Zhengyuan, Ye Nan, Zhang Quan. The opening of this exhibition will take place on 20 August 2016, and will last until 23 October 2016.
This serial exhibition, “Total War Or Nothing At All”, will construct and intensify what may be generally recognised as extreme environments, the artists respond to such “extremes” through their artworks. “Negative environments”, even if an intolerable hot space, can be compensated, or “tamed”, through artistic imagination. In this exhibition, the artists seek ways to coexist with such extreme hot environment through the lens of their unique art creation, using multi-media representations, and to refresh our predominant understanding of “hot” through various dimensions. In the space of “Total War or Nothing at All”, artworks take up the role of a catalyst: to accelerate a series of chemical reactions between three parties: the gallery space as an extreme environment, artworks, and the audience. It is the presence of these artworks that modifies and justifies the place they are in, which then becomes transcended into a space that is sought after, just because it offers stimulating multi- sensory experience that is exclusive to this particular space and setting.