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2021-07-28 15:18:16     

【藏 品 名 称】大清铜币(云)户部当制钱二十文

【藏 品 类 型】钱 币

【藏 品 年 代】清 末

【藏 品 尺 寸】直径:33.1mm,厚度:2.3mm,重:14.6g

【藏 品 来 源】个人珍藏

我国铜元铸造和流通的时间均不太长,自清末至民国初期大约不过五十年左右。但其品种繁多,铸量巨大,却是前所未有的。由于它距离现在时间不迗,畄存在民间相对较多,收藏起来较为容易。清末民初时期的铜元,种类甚多,大致归类为“光绪元宝”,“ 大清铜币”,以及民国铜元等,在中国近代货币发展史上占有很重要的地位,故铜元的收藏和研究价值可想而知。但是如果有幸能收集到30枚同-品种而不同版别的铜元,那合起来它的身价就可高达千万元以上。当然则是需要花费相当多时间和精力的,并不是轻而易举就能做得到的,故收藏铜元,一定要做到有心,细心,耐心,方可水到渠诚

钱面中央有“大清铜币”四个汉字,内嵌一小字代表地名,上端是满文“大清铜币”字样。边缘中间分别“户部”二汉字,下端为“当制钱二十文”。钱背中央为蟠龙,上端是“光绪(或宣统)年造”,下端英文“Tai-Ching Ti-Kuo Coper Coin”字样(大清帝国铜币)。各地铸造比较统一。 铸造始于1900年(清光绪二十六年),止于1911年(宣统三年),流通时间较短。因其版面设计优雅,雕刻精良,且存世量极为稀少,大清铜币户部造当二十被誉为中国近代制币中的十大名誉品之一。



[Collection name] The Qing Dynasty copper coin (cloud) when the ministry of the ministry of money twenty

      [Collection type] money       Late Qing Dynasty       Diameter :33.1mm, thickness :2.3mm, weight :14.6g       [Source] personal collection     China's copper casting and circulation time is not too long, from the late Qing dynasty to the early republic of China about 50 years. But its variety is great, cast quantity is huge, it is unprecedented however. Because it is not so far away, there are relatively more folk, so it is easy to collect. In the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, there are many kinds of copper yuan, roughly classified as "Guangxu yuanbao", "Qing Copper coin", and copper yuan of the Republic of China, etc., which occupy a very important position in the history of modern currency development in China, so the collection and research value of copper yuan can be guessed. But if you are lucky enough to collect 30 copper coins of the same variety and different versions, it can be worth more than ten million yuan together. Of course, it takes a lot of time and energy, it is not easy to do, so the collection of copper, we must be careful, patient, water to canal sincerity               There are four Chinese characters in the center of the money face, and a small character is embedded to represent the place name. The upper end is the word "da Qing Copper coin" in Manchu. The middle of the edge is respectively "ministry" two Chinese characters, the lower end is "when making money twenty text". The center of the back of the money is the dragon, the upper end is "Guangxu (or Xuantong) year made", the lower end of the English "Tai-ching Ti-Kuo Coper Coin" (Qing Empire copper Coin). Casting is more unified around. Casting began in 1900 (the 26th year of Guangxu of qing Dynasty) and ended in 1911 (the 3rd year of Xuantong), with a short circulation time. Because of its elegant layout design, sophisticated carving, and extremely rare in the world, the Qing Dynasty copper coin is twenty years old, which is reputed as one of the ten famous products of modern Chinese coins.       This collection is made for the Qing Dynasty copper coin household when the value of twenty articles, the appearance is intact, intact. This collection has high collection value and investment value, welcome to inquire.
