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- 经营时间:2023年
- 展厅面积:500平米
- 地 区:上海-静安
2021-07-19 15:37:27
蚁鼻钱主要是流通在江淮流域的楚国流通货币,相较于其他六国三种体系的货币来说,是较为稀少的币种。这种小铜币正面凸起刻有文字,背面则是平直的,重量自两公分到四五公分, 比我们普通人的指甲盖儿还要小上一些,呈海贝一样的形状,是铜贝的一种。从出土的文物情况来看,蚁鼻钱可能是最早的有文铜贝,所以被钱币学家所重视。
During the Warring States Period, there were seven states competing for supremacy. All countries created and issued currencies to circulate in their own territories. At that time, the currencies of the other six states were cloth coin, sword coin and ring coin. However, the currency of the state of Chu in the south was different from these three systems. It was a small, irregular oval copper coin with a large upper part and a small lower part, which was called "yinnose coin". It can get this common name, there are mainly two sayings: a lot of types of characters on the yantai money, the most common is "turbulent" word. This word looks from the money surface, like an ant lying on the tip of the nose, so called "ant money"; It is also said that the so-called Ant Nose Money is applied to graves to town ants. So the name may simply mean that the coin is as small as an ant's nose. Yuanbi money is mainly the currency of Chu in the Jianghuai River Basin. Compared with the currencies of the other six countries and three systems, it is a relatively rare currency. This kind of small copper coin is engraved with words raised on the front and straight on the back. It weighs from two centimeters to four or five centimeters, which is smaller than our ordinary fingernails. It is a kind of copper shell in the shape of a sea shell. From the unearthed cultural relics, yinbi money may be the earliest bronze shell, so it is paid attention to by numismatists. This coin is of historical importance because it is an advanced form of the development of copper shell coins. Shell money is the earliest currency in ancient China. It first appeared in the Yin and Shang Dynasties. Natural shell money began to be widely used in the Yin and Shang Dynasties. But with the continuous development of commercial trade, natural shell money is not enough to meet People's Daily needs, so the emergence of imitation shell money, mainly bone shell, mussel shell, shell, copper shell and so on. Among these imitation shellfish coins, copper shellfish coins have the most research significance, because it is the beginning of metal coinage which has been used in China for thousands of years. Therefore, although its circulation was only within the territory of the State of Chu and did not continue to circulate after the fall of the State of Chu, it was still listed as one of the four major currency systems in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Yuanqian has a long time, and is already the advanced form of the development of copper shell coins. The casting process has been out of the stage of engraving, so it has a very high collection value, research value and investment value.下一篇:精品鉴赏——捷克玻璃陨石