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2021-04-15 19:48:06     
北洋造光绪元宝库平七钱二分-精品光绪元宝是清朝光绪年间流通的货币之一。由两广总督张之洞率先引进英国铸币机器铸造银元和铜元,之后各省纷纷仿效,共有十九个省局铸造。在1899年,清政府想收回北洋造币厂的铸币权,后经荣禄等大臣保奏,方使北洋铸币厂保留了下来。几经周折,北洋铸币厂所铸造的光绪元宝为数不多,流通于世的相对其他元宝的数量也较少,随着时光的流逝,北洋造的光绪元宝也大量的遗失。   北洋造光绪元宝库平七钱二分-精品仅存于世的寥寥无几,众所周知,古玩文物以稀为贵。该元宝保存完好,质地清晰,是难得一见的光绪元宝中的珍品,但北洋造光绪元宝由于不便于流通使用,故铸额极其稀少,更显珍贵,银币中的龙洋是钱币收藏家情有独钟的一种币种,而北洋造光绪元宝在龙洋中是属于特别珍稀的版别。随着钱币市场的火热,北洋造光绪元宝一路高走,不断创造钱币交易的新高。从藏家和市民的接受程度看,后期光绪元宝的价格还将继续上涨。光绪元宝记载了我国一段的历史,具有非常重要的文化意义和收藏价值。图中钱币34年北洋造光绪元宝,是当今市场上非常稀少与火爆的藏品。 北洋造光绪元宝库平七钱二分-直径3.8cm   钱面:珠圈内满汉文“光绪元宝”,圈外上环(北洋造),下环“库平七钱二分”,左右各一园点星。钱背:中心为蟠龙图,上下环英文,左側有阿拉伯数字34,左右各一园点心。在这枚币的背面左側阿拉伯数字表示该币为光绪34年版,北洋造34年光绪元宝库平七钱二分发行量少,市场稀缺,为稀有币种,近年来收藏钱币市场火热,所以此钱币具有极高的收藏和投资价值!预计未来几年光绪元宝的市场价值仍将继续上涨,除了收藏家的追捧外,还有大量投资者加入到这一板块收藏中,此币的升值空间也将不断扩大。 英文翻译: Guangxu Yuanbao is one of the currencies in circulation during the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty. Zhang Zhidong, the governor of Guangdong and Guangdong, took the lead in introducing the British coinage machine to cast silver and copper dollars. Later, all provinces followed the example, with a total of 19 provincial bureagues casting. In 1899, the Qing government wanted to recover the Beiyang Mint's coinage right, after Ronglu and other ministers to protect the note, the Beiyang Mint was retained. After several twists and turns, the number of Guangxu ingots cast by the Beiyang Mint is not much, and the number of other ingots in circulation is also small. With the passage of time, a large number of Guangxu ingots made in Beiyang are also lost.   Beiyang made guangxu yuan treasure house flat seven money two - fine only exist in the world few, as we all know, antique cultural relics to rare for expensive. The wing well-preserved, texture clear, is a rare treasures of guangxu silver piece, but the northern building guangxu wing because do not facilitate the circulation use, therefore, cast the forehead is extremely scarce, more show precious, Long Yang of silver is a kind of currency, coin collectors have made guangxu dynasty and the northern wing in Long Yang belongs to special rare bottle. With the hot coin market, Beiyang Guangxu Yuanbao went all the way up, constantly creating a new high for coin trading. From the acceptance degree of collectors and citizens, the price of guangxu ingot will continue to rise. Guangxu ingot recorded a period of history of our country, has very important cultural significance and collection value. The coin in the picture was made by Beiyang Guangxu Yuanbao in 34 years. It is a very rare and popular collection on the market today. Beiyang made Guangxu yuan treasure house flat seven money two - diameter 3.8cm   Money surface: the bead circle is full of Chinese "Guangxu Yuanbao", the outer upper ring (made in Beiyang), the lower ring "Kuping seven coins two points", a garden star on the left and right. Money back: the center is the dragon figure, the upper and lower ring English, the left side has the Arabic number 34, and the left and right side each one garden dim sum. On the back of the coin on the left side of the Arabic numbersthat the coin is Guangxu X edition, Beiyang made 34 years Guangxu yuan treasure house flat seven money two circulation is small, the market is scarce, is a rare currency, in recent years, the coin market is hot, so this coin has a very high collection and investment value! It is expected that the market value of Guangxu Yuanbao will continue to rise in the next few years. In addition to the pursuit of collectors, there are a large number of investors to join the collection of this plate, and the appreciation space of this coin will continue to expand.
