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2021-03-22 10:18:23     





The military government made Sichuan copper coins "is the product of the Revolution of 1911. In December 1911, the "Chengdu Mutiny" took place. Yin Changheng and Luo Lun replaced the Sichuan Military Government, which had only been established for 12 days. The new military government of Sichuan was faced with a financial dilemma at the beginning of its establishment. The military government quickly took over the Chengdu Mint in Sichuan Province and decided to mint "Sichuan Copper Coin" in case of emergency. In April of the first year of the Republic of China (1912), the Chengdu Mint in Sichuan Province was ordered by the Sichuan Military Government to mold and cast "Sichuan Copper Coin Made by the Military Government" (also known as the "Han" word copper dollar).
This coin is a wrong edition coin. The character "Han" in the back is inclined 30 degrees at the front of "Sichuan Copper Coin". Very rare. There are four words "Sichuan Copper Coin" in the central bead circle on the front of the coin, which are separated from the upper and lower parts. The center is decorated with lotus pattern. Bead ring on the edge of the book "made by the military government" four words, the lower edge of the "when the money fifty text" words, indicating the value of the money, around decorated with flower star decoration. The top of the copper coin is written on the back of the "first year of the Republic of China" six words, the central big circle for a seal character "Han", "Han" word at the end of a number of horizontal lines, so coin collectors also known as the "Han" word copper yuan. There were 18 small circles around the circle, representing the 18 provinces where the Han people lived in the Pass. The 18 small circles were formed around the Chinese character "Han" to symbolize the unity of the people of the 18 provinces to fight for "expelling the Manchus and restoring China". It witnessed the revolution of 1911 that a period of magnificent historical wind and clouds, the number of coins in the world is rare. Copper plate casting time is not long, only around the circulation of more than 50 years. It is of great collection value and economic value.
