(平台服务时间:周一到周五 9:00-17:00)

尺寸 | 89x96.5(cm) | 创作年代 | 2019年 | ||
作品分类 | 丙烯 | 材质 | 纸面 | 题材 | 人物 |
作品标签 | 名家名作 | ||||
适用空间 | 客厅 餐厅 书房 |
生于河南,现工作生活于北京,职业艺术家,中国美术家协会会员,先后就读于中央美术学院附中、中央美术学院油画系,2011 年美国乔治敦大学访问学者,现为中国传媒大学艺术创作院客座教授,北京当代中国写意油画研究院研究员,河南省油画学会理事,亚洲女性发展协会理事,欧美同学会留美分会会员。曾在中国美术馆、今日美术馆、国家大剧院、中华世纪坛、河南博物院、山东美术馆以及美、法、意、德、瑞典、日、韩等国内外艺术机构举办个展和联展六十余次。曾获十一届全国美展提名奖,首届南京国际艺术展银奖,2014 文化艺术品牌女性奖、2018 品牌年度人物文化艺术品牌贡献奖等十几个奖项。多次参加嘉德、保利等大型拍卖会以及公益慈善义拍等活动。
ZHAO Mengge was born in Henan. A professional artist and a member of the Chinese Artists Association. She has studied at the High School Affiliated to CAFA and the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. She was a visiting scholar at Georgetown University in the United States in 2011 and is now an art creation at Communication University of China, visiting Professor of the Academy. Currently serving as Director of Asian Women’Development Association, Member of Chinese Artists Association, Professional painter,living and working in Beijing. ZHAO has held more than 60 solo and group exhibitions at the National Art Museum of China, Today Art Museum, National Grand Theater, China Millennium Monument, Henan Museum, Shandong Art Museum, and domestic and foreign art institutions such as the United States, France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Japan, and South Korea. Second-rate. She has won more than a dozen awards including the nomination award of the 11th National Art Exhibition, the silver award of the first Nanjing International Art Exhibition, the 2014 Cultural and Art Brand Women Award, and the 2018 Brand Annual Character Cultural and Art Brand Contribution Award. Participated in many large-scale auctions such as Guardian and Poly, as well as charity auctions and other activities.
2021 云梦天歌–赵梦歌个展 ·艾特艺术画廊·上海·中国
烟波思起–赵梦歌个展 ·金帆艺术中心 ·烟台·中国
2019 赵梦歌个展–艺术厦门·厦门国际会展中心·厦门·中国
2018 自·在–赵梦歌作品展·山东美术馆·济南·中国
2016 田园时代–赵梦歌作品展·艺术厦门·厦门·中国
2015 理想国–赵梦歌油画作品展·今日美术馆·北京·中国
2014 隐修之地–赵梦歌个展·红子兰艺术中心·北京·中国
2013 雪月花时–赵梦歌作品展·河南大学美术学院美术馆·开封·河南·中国
2012 雪月花时–赵梦歌作品展·河南博物院·郑州·河南·中国
2011 造梦空间–赵梦歌个展·德意家艺术空间·北京·中国
2005 东方伊甸园–赵梦歌作品展·第五工作室·斯德哥尔摩·瑞典
2002 梦幻天堂–赵梦歌油画作品展·千年时间艺术中心·北京·中国
Solo Exhibitions
2021 Paradise Opera, Art-L Gallery, Shanghai, China
Sparkling Thoughts , Jinfan Art Center, Yantai, China
2019 Zhao Mengge’s Solo Exhibition, Art Xiamen, Xiamen International Convention and
Exhibition Center, Xiamen, China
Zhao Mengge Paris Solo Exhibition Gallery of the French Feminist Union, Paris, France
2018 Aseity, Shandong Art Museuw, Jinan, China
2016 Rural times, Art Xiamen, Xiamen International Convention and Exhibition Center,
Xiamen, China
Songs From Heart, Guanxiang Art Museum, Taiwan, China
2015 Utopia, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
2014 Hermitage, HongZiLan Art Center, Beijing, China
2013 The Most Romantic Time, Academy of Arts of Henan University, Zhengzhou, China
2012 The Most Romantic Time, Henan Museum, Zhengzhou, China
The Most Romantic Time, Academy of Fine Arts Museum, Henan Normal University,
Zhengzhou, China
2011 Dream Space, DYJ Gallery, Beijing, China
Zhao Mengge’s Painting, Guanxiang Art Museum, Taiwan, China
Dream Maker, Huantie Times Art Museum, Beijing, China
Dream Maker, Star Art Museum, Beijing, China
The Oriental Eden, 5th Studio, Stockholm, Sweden
2002 Paradise of Fantasy, New Millennium Gallery, Beijing, China
2021 艺术厦门 ART–L画廊·厦门·中国
2020 逝–NAG画廊展·巴黎·法国
2019 超以像外–中国传媒大学艺术创作院师生联展·宁波画院美术馆·浙江·中国
2018 平行·视界–中国油画家赴欧交流展·巴士底画廊·巴黎·法国
2017 世界女性艺术节当代女性艺术展·北京天桥艺术中心·北京·中国
2016 第四届经典与风范–当代值得关注艺术家邀请展·国家大剧院·北京·中国
2015 第三届经典与风范–当代值得关注艺术家邀请展·中华世纪坛·北京·中国
2014 当代最具学术价值的艺术家邀请展·艺术市场美术馆·北京·中国
2013 中国名家画北京邀请展·中华世纪坛·北京·中国
2012 中国当代著名画家中原行作品展·中国国家博物馆·北京·中国
2011 河南省青年美术家精品展·郑州美术馆·河南·中国
2010 艺术中国–全国油画展·环铁时代美术馆·北京·中国
2009 第十一届全国美展获奖及优秀作品展·中国美术馆·北京·中国
2008 郑甘美藏品展·郑甘美艺术空间·台湾·中国
2007 观想画廊藏品展·北京一号地国际艺术区·北京·中国
2004 油画游戏·北京千年时间艺术中心·北京·中国
2003 情系西部–国际艺术大展·首都图书馆·北京·中国
2002 她世界–当代女艺术家绘画作品展·千年时间艺术中心·北京·中国
1998 中央美术学院附中建校45周年历届留校作品展·原中央美术学院陈列馆·北京·中国
Group Exhibitions
2021 Art Xiamen, Art-L Gallery, Xiamen, China
2020 Evanescene, NAG Gallery, Paris , France
Neo-Academism, China’s Post 70’s Oil Painting Academic Invitational Exhibition,Nart Museum, Ningbo, China
2019 Beyond the Image, Teacher-Student Joint Exhibition of CUC, Ningbo Museum of
Art, Ningbo, China
2018 Parallel Horizon, Chinese Oil Painters with European Peer Exchange Exhibition, MACparis
Paris, Paris, France
Yinuo Art Foundation “Art China” Tour, Hirano Art Museum, Hamamatsu, Japan
The Yellow River in the World, Major Exhibition of 100 Chinese Oil Painters, Zhengzhou Art
Gallery, Zhengzhou, China
Secret Garden, Guanxiang Art Museum, Taibei, China
Experience China Arrives In Italy Contemporary China 1949-2019, Venice, Italy
2017 ‘WOW’Women of The World Festival ( Beijing) Contemporary Women’Art Exhibition, Tianqiao Art Center, Beijing, China
2016 The Forth “Classics and Demeanor” Invatational Art Exhibition, National Center for The
Performing Arts, Beijing, China
Neo-Perception Love-Unknown, Global Female Artists Exhibition, Art Xiamen, Xiamen
International Conference&Exhibition Center, Xiamen, China
Spring-Art Exhibition of Oil Paintings, Qilu Art Museum, Jinan, China
2015 The Third “Classics and Demeanor” Invatational Art Exhibition, The China Millennium
Monument, Beijing, China
Naked Eye Female Artist Exhibition, Naked Eye Space, Beijing, China
Art Exhibition of Teachers and Students of Art Academy of Communication University of China, Shangshang Art Museum, Beijing, China
Chinese Artist Invatational Exhibition Japan-China Friendship Center, Tokyo, Japan
Meeting Weihai-Oil-paintings Exhibition of Female Artists, Weihai Art Museum, Weihai, China
2014 The Invitation Exhibition of Contemporory Artists, Art Museum of Art Market, Beijing, China
Nanjing International Art Festival, Jiangsu Art Museum, Nanjing, China
The First Qingdao International Art Biennial, The Contemporary Art Center of Qingdao,
Qingdao, China
2013 The Exhibition of Chinese masters painting Beijing, China
Millennium Monument, Beijing, China
The conception of Beijing paintings Exhibition/National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China
Academic Nomination Exhibition Invitation of Henan Youth Artists, Zhengzhou Art Museum,
Zhengzhou, China
Study on the Painting Language and Spirit of Taihang Mountain, The Exhibition of Modern
Famous Oil Painters’ Works, Zhengzhou Art Museum, Zhengzhou, China
2012 The Exhibition of Famous Contemporary Chinese Painter, the National Museum of China,
Beijing, China
The 7th Love to Chinese Western Land, Xinjiang International Exhibition Center, Ürümqi, China
Contemporary Chinese Ceramics Painting Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing,
Flexible Dimensions-Contemporary Female Artists Group Exhibition, UNIONART, Beijing,
China Japan Korea Cultural Exchange Exhibition, Shanghai Exhibition Center, Shanghai, China
2011 Fine Exhibition of Young Artists in Henan Province, Zhengzhou Art Museum, Zhengzhou, China
Chinese Color - Painting Exhibition, Wuxi Museum, Wuxi, China
The Conception of Beijing, Nationa Art Museum of China, Beijing, China
Contemporary Chinese Ceramics Painting Exhibition, Meridian International Center,
Washington, USA
Deconstruction and Style, Manet Grass, Beijing, China
2010 Art in China—The National Oil Painting Exhibition, Huantie Times Art Museum, Beijing, China
The Art of Oil Painting and the Contemporary Society, Nationa Art Museum of China, Beijing,
The Romance of China Art Exhibition, Pangu 7 Stars Hotel, Beijing, China
The 6th Love to Chinese Western Land, Erdos International Exhibition Center, Inner Mongolia,
Henan and Guangxi Art Exhibition, Zhengzhou Art Museum, Zhengzhou, China
New China Sixty Anniversary Show, Chon-buk National Gallery, Korea
Research and Transcendence - the Second China Small Oil Paintings, China Art Gallery, Beijing, China
Exhibition of International Art and Design Studio, Bridge Gallery, 7 Art Center,
Beijing&Shanghai, China
2009 The 11th National Art Exhibition,Won Prize Works, Nationa Art Museum of China,Beijing, China
The 11th National Art Exhibition and was Nominated for the Prize, Hubei Art Museum, Wuhan, China
The 11th Art Exhibition of Henan Province, Zhengzhou Art Museum, Zhengzhou, China
Chinese Art Exhibition in the Last Hundred Years, Paris Grand Palace, Paris, France
2008 Exhibition of Karen Jeng’s Personal Collection”/Karen Jeng Art Space, Taipei, China
Joint Exhibition of Zhao Mengge and Miao Jingchang, Guanxiang Art Gallery, Taipei, China
The Thinking of Ancient and Modern, Guanxiang Art Gallery, Beijing, China
Beijing International Art Exposition, China World Trade Center, Beijing, China
2007 The Exhibition of Guang Xiang Art Gallery Collections, No.1 Space, Beijing, China
Taipei International Art Exposition, Taipei World Trade Center, Taipei, China
Shanghai Art Expo International Contemporary Art Exhibition, Shanghai Exhibition Centre,
Shanghai, China
2004 The Oil Painting Game, Beijing New Millennium Art Gallery, Beijing, China
2003 Love in the West--International Art Exhibition, the Capital Library, Beijing, China
Exhibition of China’s Excellent avant-garde Artists, Spain, Germany, Switzerland
The First Young Artist Exhibition, Today Art Museun, Beijing, China
2002 The World of “She”, Beijing New Millennium Art Gallery, Beijing, China
1998 The Middle School attached to Central Academy of Fine Arts 45th anniversary of the previous
stayed Exhibition, Central Academy of Fine Arts Exhibition Hall, Beijing, China
2018 第十三届品牌年度人物改革开放 40 年·文化艺术品牌贡献奖
2016 艺术厦门·优秀艺术家奖
2014 南京国际美术展·银奖
2014 2014中国(文化艺术)·品牌女性奖
2012 中国乌克兰建交20周年·乌克兰大使奖
2011 河南省青年美术家精品展·优秀奖
2010 第六届中国西部大地情: 中国画油画作品展·优秀奖
2009 第十一届全国美展·提名
2009 河南省第十一届美展·金奖
2003 情系西部: 国际艺术大展·优秀奖
Award Records
2018 Won Brand Contribution of Cuiture and Art Award in Forty Years of Reform and Opening-up of
the Thirteenth Brand Person of the Year
2016 Won the Excellent awart in Art Xiamen Expo
2014 Won the silver award in Nanjing International Art Festival
2014 Won the China(Culture and Arts)brand women Award
2012 Won the Ukrainian Ambassador Award
2011 Won the Excellent award in Young Artists Exhibition of Henan Province
2010 Won the Excellent award in the 6th Love to Chinese Western Land
2009 Won the Award Nomination in the 11th National Art Exhibition
2009 Won the First Prize in the 11th Art Exhibition of Henan Province
2003 Won the Excellent Prize” in “Love in the West--International Art Exhibition
《云梦天歌–赵梦歌作品集》Art-L Gallery(2021)
《自·在 赵梦歌作品集》山东美术出版社(2018)
《理想国 赵梦歌油画作品集》天津人民美术出版社(2015)
Personal Album
2021 Paradise Opera: Language Logic and Strength Metaphor behind Image Production, Zhao
Mengge'Art Works, Art-L Gallery, Shanghai
2019 La Révélation: Première exposition solo de ZHAO Menge à Paris, Unions des Artistes d’Asie en France
2018 Aseity: Zhao Mengge'Art Works, Shandong Fine Arts publishing House
2015 Utopia: Zhao Mengge' Oil Paintings, Tianjing People' Fine Arts Publishing House
2014 Chinese Art·Contemporary art Schools· Zhao Mengge, XinHua Publishing House
2012 Zhao Mengge: The Most romantic Time, Henan Fine Arts Publishing House
2010 Dream Maker: Zhao Mengge'Art Works
法国《BOOKS》2019,《今日中国美术高峰论坛展览卷》2019,《中国新闻周刊》法语版《VISION CHINE》2020,《中国油画》2009第六期封面、2015第三期封底, 《中国当代艺术文献2016》,《百年中国艺术》2009,《中国美术》2009,《中国油画市场》2013第33辑,《美术档案》2014卷七,《艺术印象》2016第15期,《艺术市场》2013、2016,《中央美院附中留校作品集——色彩卷》,《中央美院附中留校作品集——速写卷》,《中央美院附中留校作品集——创作卷》,《美术向导》2003,《中国当代画家线描集》2003。
French BOOKS(2019). China Today Art Summit Forum Exhibition Volume(2019). French VISION CHINE(2020). The sixth issue cover in 2009 and the third issue back cover in 2015 with Chinese Oil Painting. Chinese Contemporary Art Literature(2016). A Century of Chinese Art(2009). Chinese Art(2009). China Oil Painting Market(No. 33 in 2013). Art Archives(2014, Volume 7). Art Impression (No. 15 in 2016) Art Market(2013). Central Academy of Fine Arts Affiliated Middle School Collection-Color Volume(2016). Central Academy of Fine Arts Affiliated Middle School Collection-Sketch Scroll(2016). Central Academy of Fine Arts Affiliated Middle School Collection-Creation Volume(2016). Art Guide(2003). Collection of Line Drawings of Contemporary Chinese Painters(2003).
2020 油画作品《夜》被法国达索家族收藏
2019 油画作品《无题》被法国女性主义联盟收藏
2018 油画作品《蒹葭苍苍》被山东美术馆收藏
2015 油画作品《屈柘枝》被今日美术馆收藏
2013 油画作品《山有木兮木有枝》被河南大学美术馆收藏
2012 油画作品《山静日长》被河南博物院收藏
2011 油画作品《风韵清殊》被北京繁星美术馆收藏
2010 油画作品《回望龙门》被河南美术馆收藏
2008 油画作品《为了忘却的纪念》被台湾观想美术馆收藏
2003 油画作品《月光曲》被西班牙马努埃尔艺术基金会收藏
1994 油画作品《当我年老》被中央美术学院附中收藏
Institutional collections
2020 The French Groupe Dassault
2019 The French Feminist League
2018 Shandong Art Museum, La Fodazione Benetton Studi Ricerche
2015 Today Art Museum
2013 Henan University Art Museum
2012 Henan Museum, Henan Normal University Art Museum, Guangdong Meilin Art Museum
2011 Beijing Fanxing Art Museum, Georgetown University in the United States, the Ukrainian
2010 Henan Art Museum, Confucius Temple and The Imperial College Museum
2008 Taiwan Guanxiang Art Gallery
2003 The Manuel Art Foundation of Spain
1994 the High School Affiliated to CAFA