(平台服务时间:周一到周五 9:00-17:00)
创作年代 | 1085年 | ||||
作品分类 | 国画 | 形制 | 立轴 | 技法 | 水墨 |
材质 | 其它 | 题材 | 其它 | ||
作品标签 | |||||
适用空间 |
藏品简介:《清明上河图》由北宋著名画家张择端所画,作为一幅存世精品的北宋长卷风俗画,是中国十大传世名画之一,属于国宝级文物。此作品为清明上河 图剪纸,在中国非物质文化遗产中,用剪纸的方式诠释国宝级《清明上河图》,来描绘汴京清明时节的繁荣景象,见证汴京当年繁荣,是一项非常耗 时且巨大的作品。《清明上河图》剪纸丰富的内容,众多的人物,规模的宏大,都是空前的。画面疏密相间,有条不紊,从宁静的郊区一直画到热闹 的城内街市,处处引人入胜。
Description of collection: "riverside scene on qingming festival" was painted by zhang zeduan, a famous painter in the northern song dynasty. As a classic painting of the northern song dynasty, it is one of the ten most famous paintings handed down from generation to generation in China. It is a national treasure. This work is a paper-cut on the river during the qingming festival. In the intangible cultural heritage of China, the paper cut interprets the national treasure "riverside scene during the qingming festival" to depict the prosperity of bianjing and witness the prosperity of bianjing. The paper cutting in riverside scene at qingming festival is unprecedented in its rich content, numerous characters and scale. The picture is dense and orderly, from the quiet suburbs to the bustling city streets, everywhere fascinating.