


  • 编  号:810267
  • 销售状态:展示   展览中 2022.07.20号后可提货
  • 库  存: 1
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作品信息 交易评论 本画廊其他作品
创作年代 明清
作品分类 杂项- 现当代钱币-现当代钱币 品相 七品及以下 品类 编年币



  Copper coins, copper coins, also known as "copper money". China is the first country to use metal currency. Among the metal coins, copper coins were the main currency in the past dynasties. In the period of yin and Zhou dynasties, China used tooth shell as currency. Later, because there was not enough real shell, it was replaced by imitation copper shell. Copper shell is a form of transition to metal currency. The machine-made copper coin mainly refers to the non perforated copper coin in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. It is a rare historical object of the integration of Chinese and Western cultures and has historical and cultural value because it is stamped with the advanced western industrial technology at that time.


  The casting of machinemade copper round in Qing Dynasty started from Guangdong, and imitated Hong Kong copper fairy to cast machinemade copper round. Compared with the square hole copper coin, the machinemade copper coin has better casting quality, which can be used by the market and has smooth circulation. The following year, the provinces along the river and coastal areas allowed imitation casting. Later, all over the country started casting copper round one after another. The Qing Dynasty copper coins are mainly divided into two categories: Guangxu Yuanbao and Qing Dynasty copper coins. At that time, they had a large circulation. However, due to the continuous wars, exchange and recovery, loss and other reasons in the later period, there are few authentic products in the world. In addition, the market hype, pursuit, and the number of collectors increased, so the collection value is high.




  Due to the turbulent historical situation since the Qing Dynasty, the number of Guangxu Yuanbao, a machinemade coin with dragon pattern in the late Qing Dynasty, has been extremely limited. This "made in Hunan Guangxu Yuanbao when ten copper yuan" is very unique, it represents not only money, but also the economic situation of Guangxu years, it is worth collecting. Because its back is a five clawed dragon, we are the descendants of the dragon, so that many collectors and investors are chasing and paying attention to the collection, in order to collect the dragon pattern of Guangxu Yuanbao in the late Qing Dynasty, in order to meet the needs of economic research in the Qing Dynasty.



此枚精品铜币纹饰明晰,品相完美,包浆自然圆润,是可遇不成求的钱币精品。钱币正面珠圈内直读“光绪元宝”字样,币心为满文,珠圈外上环“湖南省造”,左右镌刻币值“当十”,下环铸有“铜元”二字,币面洁净,钱文明晰,字体娟秀挺拔,笔画圆润工整,极具美感;钱币后头内圈镌蟠龙图,神龙形象传神,龙纹明晰流畅,龙鳞细腻漂亮,线条棱角分明,龙眼炯炯有神,异常精细,彰显出皇家严肃尊贵的气概。珠圈外上环英文“HU-NAN”(湖南省造),下环英文币值“TEN CASH”(十文)。

  This fine copper coin has clear ornamentation, perfect appearance, natural and round slurry. It is a rare fine coin. On the front of the coin, the word "Guangxu Yuanbao" is read directly inside the bead circle. The heart of the coin is Manchu. On the outside of the bead circle, the upper ring is "made in Hunan Province". The value of the coin "Dangshi" is engraved on the left and right. On the lower ring is the word "Tongyuan". The face of the coin is clean, the coin is civilized and clear, the font is graceful and straight, and the strokes are mellow and neat; The inner ring on the back of the coin is engraved with a picture of a dragon. The dragon image is vivid. The dragon pattern is clear and smooth. The dragon scale is delicate and beautiful. The lines are sharp and angular. The dragon eye is bright and exquisite. It shows the solemn and noble spirit of the royal family. Outside the Pearl circle, the upper ring is in English "Hunan" (made in Hunan Province), and the lower ring is in English "ten cash" .
