- 编 号:809070
- 销售状态:展示 展览中 2022.05.17号后可提货
- 库 存: 1
- 售 价:议价
(平台服务时间:周一到周五 9:00-17:00)
- 资质:
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1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 7分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:2023年
- 展厅面积:500平米
- 地 区:上海-静安
创作年代 | 不详 | ||||
作品分类 | 珠宝玉石- 杂项-其他 | ||||
作品标签 | |||||
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恐龙蛋化石就是恐龙的卵经过长期地壳演变所形成的化石。恐龙蛋化石是非常珍贵的古生物化石,最早于1869年发现于法国南部普罗旺斯的白垩纪地层中。恐龙蛋化石具有十分重要的科学价值、观赏价值、收藏价值。 目前,全球的恐龙蛋化石的总量也就几千枚。在这些几乎找寻不到的恐龙蛋化石中,90%的外表均以单个形式存在,像这样联结在一起的单体恐龙蛋化石,还真是世间罕物。恐龙蛋化石是世界罕见的古生物遗迹,也是国家文物馆非常稀缺的化石珍宝,具有很大的文物收藏价值和历史考古价值。可以说恐龙蛋是无价之宝,它们是恐龙在地球生存1亿6千万年的证据。 重3.58kg 目前,拍卖市场上的各种单个动物化石真品价值不菲,这款单体恐龙蛋化石的价值更是难以估量:因为恐龙蛋化石所记录的年代可达上亿年之久,这种古物的价值,还会随着时间的演变而变得更具价值,故在收藏品市场上,恐龙蛋化石千金难求,也不允许贩卖到国外。 恐龙是卵生生物,在其灭绝时留下的除了留下化石的骨骼外,未被破坏的恐龙蛋,成了考古学家研究这古老生命的重要资料,也是现代人类对探索过去历史的重要途径之一。椭圆的化石包裹的神秘的生命和文化。就而今来说,本身具有非常高的科学价值、观赏价值、收藏价值。 中国是恐龙蛋化石埋藏异常丰富的国家,据初步统计,中国已发现的恐龙蛋化石总数居世界首位,虽然古生物化石在中国蕴藏量颇丰,在对于收藏领域来讲,还未被大量的挖掘,但从近几年一些拍卖会看来,古生物化石频频现身,且有着不错的成交量和成交金额,这足以说明古生物化石已经开始在拍卖市场崭露头角了,今次出现在艺术品市场上的单体恐龙蛋化石,定会大放异彩! 而且,恐龙蛋化石群及其集中产地还是一种非常有价值的旅游地质资源,为发展旅游事业提供了天赐良机。因此,恐龙蛋化石极具重要的科学、古生物、地质、气候研究等等价值。 英文翻译: Dinosaur egg fossil is the dinosaur egg through the long-term crustal evolution of the fossil. Fossilized dinosaur eggs are very precious fossils, first found in 1869 in the Cretaceous strata of Provence in southern France. Dinosaur egg fossils have very important scientific value, ornamental value and collection value. At present, the total number of fossil dinosaur eggs in the world is only a few thousand. In these almost impossible to find fossil eggs, 90 percent of the exterior of the dinosaur eggs are in a single form, such a single joined together, is a rare thing in the world. Dinosaur egg fossil is the world's rare paleontological remains, but also the National Museum of Cultural Relics is very rare fossil treasures, has a great value of cultural relics collection and historical archaeological value. Dinosaur eggs are priceless. They are evidence that dinosaurs have been on the earth for 160 million years. Weighs 3.58 kg At present, the various individual animal fossils of the auction market the real value, the value of this type of catamaran dinosaur egg fossil is more difficult to measure: because dinosaur egg fossil record s can reach hundreds of millions of years, the value of the antiquities, will evolve over time and become more valuable, so, in the collection market dinosaur egg fossil daughter is hard to find, are not allowed to sell abroad. Dinosaurs are egg-laying creatures, in its extinction in addition to the bones left behind fossils, not destroyed dinosaur eggs, became an important information for archaeologists to study this ancient life, is also one of the important ways to explore the past history of modern humans. Elliptical fossils encased in mysterious life and culture. For now, itself has a very high scientific value, ornamental value, collection value. China is a country with a dinosaur egg fossil buried is unusually rich, according to preliminary statistics, China's total number of dinosaur egg fossils have been found the highest in the world, although the fossil record reserves in China, in for collecting area, has not been a lot of digging, but in recent years some auction appears frequently appeared in the fossil record, and has a good volume and turnover, This is enough to show that paleontological fossils have begun to cut a figure in the auction market, this time appears in the art market of the monomer dinosaur egg fossils, will shine! Moreover, dinosaur egg fossils and their concentrated origin is a very valuable tourism geological resources, providing a godsend opportunity for the development of tourism. Therefore, dinosaur egg fossils are very important in science, paleontology, geology, climate research and so on.