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作品分类 杂项- 现当代钱币-现当代钱币 品相 九品(近完美品) 品类 编年币


 光绪元宝为清代货币,光绪年间铸行金、银币较多。当时正值洋务运动时期,这股思潮也影响到了铸币业,两广总督张之洞曾于光绪十三年委托使英大臣在英国订购 全套造币机器,并在广东钱局首铸机制银元和铜元。其后,各省纷纷仿效,购制国外机械铸造银,这也使得使银币沾染上西方色彩。史载“光绪元宝”当时共十九个省局铸造。除中央户部,地方省所铸铜元,皆在其正面上缘镌写省名。计有:户部;北洋;湖北;江南;河南; 湖南;江西;山东;广东;清江;浙江;江苏;四川; 福建;安徽;吉林;奉天;广西;新疆;黑龙江。







其币上端均书“福建官局造”,与他省截然不同。闽省习用银角,其主币库平壹钱四分四厘铸额不多,留存至今绝少。光绪元宝钱币壹直以来都是近代中国钱币中的精品,有著浓厚的歷史意义和研究价值;同时,还是考古和研究中国歷史文化难得的实物。珍贵的光绪元宝钱币记载著清朝惊天动地的歷史,由於歷经百年风雨,存世量极為稀少,尤其是品相好的更為稀缺,因此很受收藏爱好者青睞。 此枚光绪元宝库平壹钱四分四厘:其审美风格独持,钱币正面鲜然可见满汉文化的融合,而钱币背面英文却明确标示了西方文化的介入。其包浆入骨,熟旧自然,铸造口清楚,流通痕跡明显,边齿过关,龙鳞清晰,如刀刻所成,铸造工艺神乎其技,具有极高的投资价值和收藏价值。


Guangxu Yuanbao was the currency of the Qing Dynasty, and there were more gold and silver coins in Guangxu's reign. At that time, it was the period of Westernization Movement, which also affected the coinage industry. Zhang Zhidong, the governor of Guangdong and Guangdong, had entrusted the British minister to order a full set of coinage machines in Britain in the 13th year of Guangxu, and made the first silver and copper coins in the Guangdong Money Bureau. Later, provinces followed suit and purchased foreign machinery to cast silver, which also made the silver coin infected with western colors. History contains "Guangxu Yuanbao" at that time a total of 19 provincial bureaus cast. In addition to the central ministry of household, the copper coins cast by local provinces are engraved on the upper edge of the front of the province name. Including: Ministry of Housing; The northern; Hubei province; Jiangnan. Henan; Hunan; Jiangxi province; Shandong; Guangdong; Qingjiang. Zhejiang; Jiangsu; Sichuan; Fujian; Anhui; Jilin; Mukden. Guangxi; Xinjiang; In heilongjiang province.   Since the Qing Dynasty has experienced many wars, the rare guangxu ingot has suffered serious losses, so far, the number has been extremely limited. Dragon pattern guangxu ingot, this kind of ingot is very unique, it represents not only money, but also the economic situation of guangxu years. Therefore, a large number of collectors are flocking to find out the dragon pattern guangxu ingot, to meet the economic research needs of the qing dynasty.     This coin has a history of more than one hundred years ago. Black rust marks can be seen on the coin surface, giving a sense of solemn vicissitudes of life. In spite of this, the coin surface pattern is still intact, clear on both sides. The front bead ring cast "Guangxu Yuanbao" four words, the middle for Manchu; The outer upper ring of the bead circle "made in Yunnan Province" four characters, the lower ring "Kuping three money six fen", left and right ends are decorated with four petals of star flowers. On the back is the picture of the dragon, the dragon is a long-bearded dragon, squatting in the sun, surging momentum, raised eyes, bright; The dragon scales are finely carved, each grain is visible, the lines are smooth and elegant, and the posture is strong and powerful, the dragon claws are public and powerful, showing the royal majesty and atmosphere. The dragon pattern is like a knife carved, the casting process is extremely exquisite, the dragon body pattern is exquisite, and the sea of clouds set off, extremely magnificent, beautiful so moving, let people all marvel. It has high collection value. This commemorative made in yunnan province guangxu wing layout design is elegant, exquisite decorative composition novel, the layout is harmonious, make heart, graphic clarity, patina, ripe old natural, deep typing clear, obvious effect of the circulation, historical transition and bright, has a history of strong influence, and has a profound historical memorial, or archaeological and study Chinese history and culture at the same time a rare objects, In Chinese history, it has immeasurable academic research value and cultural relic value, which can be called a fine product and is of great investment and collection value. With the rise of ancient coin collection, I believe that this coin will be able to occupy a corner of the antique collection market with its unique charm and high value.       Fujian official bureau made guangxu yuan treasure house flat one money four cents four cents dragon pattern silver coin. The front side of the coin reads directly as "Guangxu Yuanbao", with the outer ring of bead ring, and the upper margin of the text is "made by Fujian Government Bureau". The lower margin of the value of the text is "Kuping a money four cents four percent"; On the back, the dragon and fire beads are cast in the center, with English on both sides. The texture is rich and solid, and the collection value is attached with special historical significance.     Its money on the end of the book "Fujian official bureau made", and his province is very different. Fujian Province used silver horn, the main currency bank flat four cents four per cent casting amount is not much, retained until now very few. Guangxu Yuan Coin has always been a fine piece of modern Chinese Coin, has a strong historical significance and research value; At the same time, it is a rare object for archaeology and research of Chinese history and culture. The precious Guangxu Yuanbao coin records the earth-shattering history of the Qing Dynasty. As it has gone through a hundred years of wind and rain, the quantity of existence is very rare, especially the good appearance is more scarce, so it is very popular among collectors. This Guangxu Yuan treasure house is flat one dollar four cents four percent: its aesthetic style is unique, the front side of the coin is rarely visible the integration of Manchu and Han culture, and the English back of the coin is clearly marked the intervention of Western culture. Its wrap pulp into the bone, mature old natural, casting mouth clear, obvious circulation traces, edge teeth clearance, dragon scale clear, such as carved by the knife, casting process god on its technology, has a high investment value and collection value.
