- 编 号:804881
- 销售状态:展示 展览中 2021.12.11号后可提货
- 库 存: 1
- 售 价:议价
(平台服务时间:周一到周五 9:00-17:00)

- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 7分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:2023年
- 展厅面积:500平米
- 地 区:上海-静安
创作年代 | 明清 | ||||
作品分类 | 杂项- 现当代钱币-现当代钱币 | 品相 | 八品 | 品类 | 编年币 |
材质 | 铜 | ||||
作品标签 | |||||
适用空间 |
近日征集到光绪元宝户部造当制钱二十文一枚(如上图)。光绪元宝户部二十文规格:直径32.2mm. 厚度1.8mm,重量9.8克。此枚钱币正面珠圈为“光绪元宝”四字直读,对称排列,圈外上环铸有满文及“户部”二字,底部铸货币币值“当制钱二十文”,左右还有五瓣星花,小巧灵秀,十分可爱。钱币背面中央为威严肃穆的神龙图案,上下铸英文。神龙张牙舞爪,气势磅礴,豪气万千!整币形制规整,制作精美,色泽柔和,包浆较厚,品相一般,虽历经百年岁月的磨砺,还保存如此完好,实物很是稀少。
The Guangxu Yuanbao in the Qing Dynasty was one of the currencies in circulation during the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty. During the Guangxu period, the society under the rule of the Qing government was severely impacted by the West, and the economy and culture were greatly affected. The Westernization Movement also affected the coin industry. Later, the government decided that Zhang Zhidong, governor of the two factories in Hubei, took the lead in introducing British coin minting machines in the thirteenth year of Guangxu to start casting silver and copper dollars. Guangxu Yuanbao was the first currency with large denominations in circulation during the Guangxu reign of the Qing Dynasty. Except for the central household department, the copper coins cast by local provinces all have the name of the province written on the front edge. Guangxu Yuanbao integrates western coinmaking skills and traditional Chinese culture. Its plate style is exquisite. During its heyday, as many as 19 provinces cast coins together, and its collection value and historical and cultural value are high. The Hubu Mint is currently the oldest mint in the history of our country, and the Guangxu Yuanbao Hubu Mint’s production of copper yuan is therefore very significant. Because of the extremely scarce deposits and deposits, it can be said that it is the silver dollar with the highest coin value in our country so far. Recently, a collection of twenty yuan (pictured above) was collected from the household department of Guangxu Yuanbao. Guangxu Yuanbao household department 20 specifications: diameter 32.2mm, thickness 1.8mm, weight 9.8 grams. The bead ring on the front of this coin is a direct reading of the four characters "Guangxu Yuanbao", arranged symmetrically. The upper ring of the coin is cast with the characters Manchu and "Hubu". There are five-petal star flower, small and smart, very cute. The center of the back of the coin is the solemn and solemn dragon pattern with English cast on the top and bottom. Shenlong fangs and dances claws, magnificent and heroic! The whole coin is well-preserved and well-preserved, with a soft color, thick patina, and average appearance. Although it has been tempered for hundreds of years, it is still so well preserved, and the real thing is very rare. This collection is relatively well preserved, and the writing and decorations are still clearly visible. The coin shape is regular and the plate style is novel, indicating the intervention of Western civilization. It is of great historical commemorative significance and has a collection value. In addition, the sculptures of the coin patterns have different depths, exquisite craftsmanship, the coins are old-fashioned, the color is uniform, the size, weight and craftsmanship are all in line with the casting standards, and the collection value is high. In addition, people's recognition of Guangxu Yuanbao is also relatively large. Due to its profound cultural heritage and scarcity of physical objects, once it is launched, it will inevitably attract the attention of many ancient coin collectors and investors, and its market value is relatively high.