


  • 编  号:803123
  • 销售状态:展示   展览中 2021.09.24号后可提货
  • 库  存: 1
  • 售  价:议价
买家服务热线: 400-601-8111

(平台服务时间:周一到周五 9:00-17:00)

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作品信息 交易评论 本画廊其他作品
作品分类 陶瓷紫砂- 瓷器-明代 品种 五彩 器型
窑口 景德镇窑


中国古代瓷器的产生和发展,经历了从原始瓷器到成熟的青瓷,又由青瓷发展到白瓷,而后再由白瓷发展到彩瓷将近二千年的历程。其中,从青瓷到白瓷的转变,是在唐宋时期完成的;而由白瓷到彩瓷的转变,则是明清时期实现的。明清时期彩瓷的发展和盛行,使中国古代陶瓷进入了一个鼎盛时期。 此件拍品为“大明宣德年制青花五彩孔雀牡丹纹天球瓶”,高:43公分、口径9.6公分:腹径33.5公分、底径18公分,瓶形为小口、直颈、丰肩、假圈足、砂底微凹。因圆球腹硕大,像是从天降下来似的,故名天球瓶。瓶腹书写“大明宣德年制”六字楷书款。样非常明显,颈部粗短,上阔下敛,球形腹硕大,砂底微凹。整体造型线条流畅,构图舒朗;颈部所绘飞象;飞马,腹部所绘孔雀、牡丹文饰生动、粉彩色彩鲜艳,可说是件难得的粉彩精品;整个藏品采取了点染与套色的手法,使所要描绘的对象,无论山水,花卉,鸟虫都显得质感强,明暗清晰,层次分明。采用的画法既有严整工细刻画微妙的工笔画,又有渗入淋漓挥洒,简洁洗练的写意画,还有夸张变形的装饰画风。甚至把版画,水彩画,油画以及水彩画等姐妹艺术都加以融汇运用,精微处,丝毫不爽。十分具有收藏与鉴赏价值,升值空间巨大。。目前宣德年制粉彩瓷器的投资市场火热,行情大涨,极为罕见、有巨大的投资价值、及收藏价值、如需收藏购买、此藏品请与我们客服联系、我们将竭诚为您服务。


The emergence and development of ancient Chinese porcelain has experienced nearly two thousand years of development from primitive porcelain to mature celadon, from celadon to white porcelain, and then from white porcelain to colored porcelain. Among them, the transformation from celadon to white porcelain was completed in the Tang and Song dynasties; and the transformation from white porcelain to colored porcelain was realized in the Ming and Qing dynasties. The development and prevalence of colored porcelain in the Ming and Qing Dynasties brought ancient Chinese ceramics into a heyday.

This lot is "A blue and white celestial bottle with colorful clouds and dragon flower pattern made in the Xuande period of the Ming Dynasty", height: 43 cm, diameter 9.6 cm: abdominal diameter 33.5 cm, base diameter 18 cm, bottle shape is small mouth, straight neck, plump The shoulders, false circle feet, and sand bottom are slightly concave. Because of the huge belly of the sphere, it seems to descend from the sky, hence the name celestial bottle. The six-character regular script of "Da Ming Xuande Years" is written on the mouth of the bottle. The pattern is very obvious, the neck is thick and short, the upper part is broad and the lower part is convergent, the spherical abdomen is huge, and the sand bottom is slightly concave. The overall shape has smooth lines and the composition is comfortable; the flying elephant painted on the neck; the flying horse, the peacock and peony painted on the abdomen are vivid, and the pastels are brightly colored, which can be said to be a rare pastel boutique; the entire collection adopts spot dyeing and color matching The technique of painting makes the objects to be depicted, whether landscapes, flowers, birds and insects, have a strong texture, clear light and dark, and distinct levels. The painting methods used include both rigorous and meticulous depiction of delicate meticulous brushwork, infiltrating and swaying, concise and refined freehand painting, and exaggerated and deformed decorative painting style. Even sister art such as prints, watercolors, oil paintings and watercolors have been combined and used, and the subtleties are not cool. It is very valuable for collection and appreciation, with huge room for appreciation. . At present, the investment market of Xuande Nian-made famille rose porcelain is extremely rare, with huge investment value, and collection value. If you need to collect and purchase this collection, please contact our customer service, and we will serve you wholeheartedly.

