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- 印象:
- 经营时间:2023年
- 展厅面积:500平米
- 地 区:上海-静安
尺寸 | 38.5x108.5(cm) | 创作年代 | 不详 | ||
作品分类 | 当代水墨 | 材质 | 纸本 | 题材 | 动物 |
作品标签 | |||||
适用空间 | 客厅 |
Zhang Shanzhang (1882-1940), Ming Ze, the word Shanzhang (because he and his elder brother are twins, so the word is good), and later the word is good son (because the elder brother has died, so the word is good). Born in a neglected Shuxiang Mendi in the city of Neijiang, Sichuan, his ancestor once served as the magistrate of Neijiang. Shan Zheng is the second brother of Zhang Daqian, a master of contemporary Chinese painting. His mother, Zeng Youzhen, was born in a boudoir. Not only is she wise and knowledgeable, she has a good sense of family, but she is also good at painting and embroidery. A representative painting, "Drama, Cat and Butterfly" was handed down, and was a well-known female painter at that time, with the reputation of "Zhang Huahua". Shan Xi studied painting under the guidance of his mother from the age of four or five. He is quite talented in painting. He is good at painting landscape flowers, birds, horses and tigers. Among them, he is particularly obsessed with painting tigers, and loves tigers and tigers with a special affection.
To say that Zhang Shanzi is a master of tiger painting is by no means an understatement. Because for a long time in ancient times, the ancients were restricted by conditions and could not see real tigers. They were mostly made out of thin air. In the Republic of China, Zhang Shanzi repeatedly and some painters risked their lives to paint in the places where tigers invaded. He even raised tigers in person and observed the life of the tiger all day long. Therefore, he and other painters of the same period took Tiger painting to a new height and were respected as "Tigers."
This picture of a tiger in the bamboo forest is one of the important works of Zhang Shanzhang. Specifications: 38.5cm wide and 108.5cm high. Zhang Shanzhang, known as a tiger idiot, is a famous painter in modern China. In a special period, Zhang Shanzhen expressed his will with a tiger, had a strong patriotism, and encouraged the people's spirit of resistance. In the picture, the tiger appears in several poles to repair bamboo. The tiger's shape is lifelike, with its eyes wide open, staring at the front, the tiger's body is sturdy, and its energy is vigorous. Zhang Shanzi draws this picture at a time when the country is in trouble. He expresses his will with a tiger, inspiring the people to protect the family and the spirit of patriotism.
宽:cm X 高:cm
张善孖(1882~1940),男,中国四川内江人,名泽,字善 ,一作善子,又作善之,号虎痴。现代名画家,张大千的二哥,画虎大师。与大千一道东渡日本,回国曾任上海美专教授。与张大千同寓上海,领袖风雅,有二雅”之目。精鉴赏,富收藏。并与黄宾虹、马企周等八人组织烂漫社。游历名山大川,攀登五岳,三游黄山。抗日战争后,游美,举行画展,组织募捐。返国卒于重庆,年仅59岁。张善子善山水、花卉、走兽、尤精画虎。豢虎以供写生,写虎各种形态。作品精妙沉雄,尤著神韵。