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作品分类 杂项- 现当代钱币-现当代钱币 品相 八品 品类 编年币


光绪元宝为清代货币,光绪年间铸行金、银币较多。当时正值洋务运动时期,这股思潮也影响到了铸币业,两广总督张之洞曾于光绪十三年委托使英大臣在英国订购全套造币机器,并在广东钱局首铸机制银元和铜元。其后,各省纷纷仿效,购制国外机械铸造银。包括广东钱局在内,许多造币机均订购自著名的英国伦敦伯明翰造币有限公司。 近几年广东省造光绪元宝双龙“寿”字币一度成为收藏界追捧的宠儿,媒体上炒得沸沸扬扬,动辄上百万的天价。据了解,香饽饽的广东省造光绪元宝双龙“寿”字 币收藏价值极高,但是广东省造光绪元宝双龙“寿”字币存世量极为稀少







The gold ingot of guangxu dynasty was the currency of qing dynasty. At that time, it was the period of westernization movement, which also affected the coin industry. In the 13th year of guangxu dynasty, the governor of guangdong province, zhang zhidong, entrusted the British minister to order a full set of coin machines in Britain, and made the first casting of silver and copper COINS in the money bureau of guangdong province. Subsequently, the provinces have followed suit, purchasing foreign machinery casting silver. Many of the machines, including the guangdong coin bureau, are ordered from the famous London and Birmingham coin co., LTD. In recent years, guangxu yuanbao shuanglong "shou" COINS made in guangdong province once became the favorite in the collection circle, which were widely publicized on the media, with the sky-high prices of millions. It is understood that xiangbo in guangdong province made guangxu yuanbao shuanglong "shou" word currency collection value is very high, but guangdong made guangxu yuanbao shuanglong "shou" word currency storage is very rare.

As far as we know, there are two kinds of silver COINS made in guangxu dynasty, namely, one or two silver COINS with a diameter of 45mm and one or two silver COINS with a diameter of 39mm. The two kinds of silver COINS have the same design style, but there are many differences in details. This silver coin is the layout of kuping qiqian 2, the front bead ring is cast with manchu, han "guangxu ingot" four characters, "made in guangdong province" engraved on the outside of the bead ring, engraved "kuping qiqian 2" five characters, and below "kuping weight one" five characters on the left and right sides of engraved bats. On the reverse side, the circle inside the bead circle is cast with the word "longevity". Because the bat "bat" word and happiness "fu" word homophonic, the bat pattern cast on the coin surface, is "bat", "fu" word homophonic. Will it and the back of the "longevity" word corresponding to the meaning, it constitutes the meaning of "both longevity".






There is no exact record in historical records of the coin minting. There are three theories. One is that the coin was minted in 1904 in the 30th year of guangxu dynasty to commemorate the 70th birthday of empress dowager cixi. The second point of view is: in the 20th year of guangxu emperor, 1894, when the household department introduced "one or two standard", the guangdong mint minted the coin to celebrate cixi's 60th birthday. Third point of view: the coin was minted in 1898 when guangxu's power reached its peak. It was only after a palace coup that the emperor guangxu was put into prison by cixi that the coin failed to circulate. All three arguments have their supporters. And no matter which point of view is correct, only from the collection value, the three points of view are for the birthday and casting "commemorative COINS", exquisite workmanship. And because it is a limited issue, or not official circulation, rare existence.



People have been saving COINS since ancient times, and since 2008, coin collections have become even more popular at trade fairs. It is understood that in the paper money, gold and silver memorial and ancient COINS and other three coin collection system, ancient COINS because of its very ornamental and historical value and praise, and the silver dollar is a hot spot, because the silver dollar itself precious material, high artistic value. At the same time, the amount of silver COINS produced is much less than that of ancient COINS and paper money of the republic of China. In addition to the late qing dynasty, the war in the republic of China and other factors, some of the more precious silver COINS have been rare, so it is more precious.



Guangxu yuan treasure house in guangdong province made of shuanglong shou coin weighs one or two yuan and kuping seven yuan, which is treasured by people in coin collection circles because of its rare existence, and also because of its extremely exquisite production. Among the modern silver COINS in China, it is one of the most famous COINS and has been listed as one of the ten treasures of modern mechanism COINS in China.

