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英文翻译:Wood fossils are tree fossils that are exchanged by SiO ramming (silica) in groundwater after the trees are buried rapidly for at least 100 million years. It retains the wood structure and texture of trees. The color is yellowish, light yellow, yellowish brown, reddish brown, gray-white, grey-black and so on. The polishing surface can have glass luster, opaque or transparent. Because some wood fossils have a jade texture, it is also called silicified wood or tree fossil. Silicated wood was buried underground for a variety of reasons hundreds of millions of years ago. In the stratum, chemical substances such as silicon dioxide, iron sulfide and calcium carbonate around the trunk entered the interior of the tree under the action of groundwater, replaced the original lignin composition, retained the shape of the tree, and fossil plants formed by petrochemical process, because they contained more silicon dioxide. It is often called silicified wood or dendritic jade.
Wood fossils also known as silicified wood; chemical formula: SiO ram nH ram O, belongs to cryptocrystalline group, hardness: 5.5-6.5, specific gravity: 2.65-2.66,
Refractive index: 1.54-1.55. It is during the geological history that trees undergo geological changes, and finally buried in the stratum, undergo chemical exchange and filling of groundwater, so that these chemicals crystallize and deposit in the woody part of trees, preserve the original structure of trees, and then form wood fossils. Silicified wood was mainly formed in the Mesozoic, most of which were in the middle Jurassic and Cretaceous.
Ancient trees were submerged by water containing silica, and the cells in the wood were replaced by quartz chalcedony and opal, so although the appearance of the wood was retained, it was actually 100% of the stone (quartz). Western mystics believe that the original rotten wood, after quartz replacement, has become an immortal gemstone. Therefore, they believe that wood fossils have the energy characteristics of eternity, longevity and immortality.
Usually there are many cracks or gaps in wood fossils. In some places, wood fossils have been filled and replaced by other materials, such as agate. These are natural products formed over a long period of time, rather than artificial filling. They should not be regarded as defects. On the contrary, this is the magic of wood fossils.
Tree fossils are the best of silicified wood in geology. They were born in the Mesozoic era more than 200 million years ago. Because of sudden and violent geological changes, trees were buried deep underground and formed under extremely harsh site conditions. They are rare orphans left over hundreds of millions of years ago. The wood stone sets the spirit of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and moon. It is a collection of wood, stone, jade as one of the best gemstones.
Silicified wood is distributed from the beginning of the Paleozoic Carboniferous (355 million years ago) to the middle Cretaceous (125 million years ago). The earliest woody fossils up to the 21st century are bare fern fossils from the early Carboniferous, and the latest silicified wood from the late Cretaceous is 103.5 million years ago.
Ancient trees were buried underground due to geological processes such as volcanic eruption or crustal movement, due to drought or lack of water.
Isolated from the air, wood is not easy to decay, and is replaced by silica-calcium-containing substances in the long geological process, which retains the fiber structure of wood and the shape of tree trunks, making trees fossil.

