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坐落在上海老城厢的仁庐是一个致力于为艺术家及策展人提供驻村项目、展览、工作坊和对话的艺术空间。作为一个交流与实验的艺术平台,仁庐为新一代富有文化特色的艺术家和团体提供他们所需要的,创造与国际同行进行深层对话与研讨的机会与条件。 Anchored in the old town neighborhood of Shanghai, Rén Space is an arts space committed to an international cross-disciplinary program of artist and curatorial residencies, exhibitions, and workshops. Rén Space serves as a platform and laboratory for exchange between the vibrant artists and organizations of Shanghai’s rich cultural landscape and their international counterparts who seek to engage in far-reaching dialogue.

联 系 人:仁庐

地  址: 上海市黄浦区尚文路133弄10号

电  话:021 63462033

座  机:

邮  箱:info@renspace.net