
画廊简介 参展记录 店主风采 资质证书 联系我们


 让画面自己来吧! 也是避免误导...

/我们严谨的推广收藏 -新墨主义-的绘画, 并提供纯粹的审美形式...



/ Storytelling is not our specialty; exaggerated expansion is not our style !!
  So that the screen it myself! Is to avoid misleading ...

/ Our rigorous promotion Collection - New the ink doctrine - and offers pure aesthetic form ...

/ Come to a magical mystery tour with - the artist's sensitivity and imagination, time and space exploration of the universe;
 You will reach the heart of happiness, but also felt a real sense of satisfaction and satiety ....

店主名称:ID: ienarts

联 系 人:朱先生

地  址:上海市红松路87号.

电  话:+ 86 13816437199

座  机:+微信号: 13816437199

邮  箱:art@ienarts.com