
画廊简介 参展记录 店主风采 资质证书 联系我们
贞明美术馆于2014年初正式投入运营,致力于国内外艺术品的长期展陈、文化艺术活动的承接举办,逐渐形成独具特色的艺术品、收藏品、名家书画作品收藏、展示、交易交流中心。 Zhenming Gallery, put into operation early in 2014, is dedicated to holding long-term display of works of art and cultural and arts activities and has gradually developed into a collection, display, and trade exchange center of works of art, collections, and famous calligraphy and paintings.

联 系 人:张彬

地  址:山东潍坊长松路与玉清西街交叉路

电  话:15553122193

座  机:

邮  箱:bayaobay@126.com