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海伯里安至今已在上海、北京、广州、法国等多地打造了众多高品质的艺术盛宴与私享交流活动,同时也与艺术学校、艺术 机构、收藏家、媒体及学者等建立了长期稳定的合作关系,共同推动优秀艺术的跨域传播。
Established in Shanghai, 2014, Hyperion Art echos with the city's cultural openness and global perspective via various art and culture events, dedicated to discovering and promoting potential overseas artists and providing quality resources to collectors and art enthusiasts.
Currently, most of our artist partners come from Europe and South East Asia. Under our curation, the Maritime Silk Road Art Festival in October 2015 gathered over 30 representative artists from South East Asian countries and provided Shanghai audience with an exotic feast of Nanyang art.
Hyperion Art has already planned and organized many up-scale and exclusive art events in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and France. It also keeps long-term and stable relations with art school and institutes, collectors, media and scholars to reinforce international art communication

联 系 人:金小姐

地  址:上海市江宁路631弄新建商务大厦6号楼

电  话:15216655652

座  机:

邮  箱:info@hyperionart.asia