CAELIS GALERIA 作为西班牙国家艺术协会支持下建立的艺术策展/文化交流传播/艺术顾问平台,致力于关注并推广西班牙艺术家、西班牙国宝级艺术资源以及建立亚洲与西方的艺术交流。
CAELIS GALERIA is a platform based in Shanghai, which is supported by ANACART, focused on curatorial/culture exchange/art consultancy. We are dedicated to promoting Spanish artists, Spanish masterpieces and fostering culture exchange between Asia and Europe.
Currently, our art space is in progress. For more information of our artists, you may check the link as blow (see more) to visit our online gallery cooperated with Artron; or get suscription of the most updated sharing of our events and activities by wechat.
ANACART works for the dissemination, promotionand exchange of European Culture and Art, with the support of the Government of Spain and the certified approval of the Catalan Government (Generalitat deCatalunya). Our Organization which is based in Europe, under the philosophy: “Think global, Act local”, aims to build a professional art exchange platform to facilitate the development and dissemination of Western culture, for both contemporary artists and collectors services, as well as Institutional exchange support for Arts and Culture.
Association's cooperation has some renowned European galleries:
Sala Parés,Galeria Catalonia, ART NOU MIL.LENI, Galeria Aragon 232 and Espacio 120.
Dozens of well-known European artists, and exclusive Asian attorney of Miro family, and strategic cooperative relationship with Barcelona Picasso Museum and Dalihouse.
SALA PARES, GaleriaCatalonia, ART NOU MIL.LENI, Galeria Aragon 232 and Espacio 120..
Any questions or cooperation requests please contact with us via emial:
Please extract our wechat QR code as blow to follow us.
WeChat ID: caelisgaleria
联 系 人:经理人
地 址:Rambla de Catalunya 38,8F planta
电 话:18116210185
座 机:4006690999-5534
邮 箱:info@caelis.cn