- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 9.8分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:11年
- 展厅面积:150平米
- 地 区:上海-黄浦
共鸣 Resonance of Art
- 展览时间:2015-05-01 - 2015-05-30
- 展览城市:上海-黄浦
- 展览地点:新天地企业天地湖滨路192号
- 策 展 人:CAELIS
- 参展人员:
DEVIALET and CAELIS Galería are proud to present Resonance of Art, experience the energies of the Cosmos in the paintings of the Spanish master Martín Carral, in the musical atmosphere provided by DEVIALET's luxury French audio systems.
DEVIALET 携手 CAELIS 画廊呈现艺术展览<共鸣>
DEVIALET通过对声音架构的改变营造不一样的法式奢华听觉艺术体验。而Martín Carral的画作则是以线条、几何图形的层次交叠营造空间艺术的对话。旨在通过、理性工艺设计与艺术感官体验的巧妙结合,共同打造殿堂级艺术生活方式。
视觉上倚重于画作扑面而来的立体感,听觉上则沉沦于由跃动的音符错落有致地排列于五线 谱所带来的灵动与跳跃,二者通过理性左脑与感性右脑的融会贯通,互相带动传递出谜样性感的 艺术情怀,深邃如大海、璀璨于夜空,DEVIALET 与艺术家 MARTÍN CARRAL 结合所产生的 化学反应更是绽放出独特的艺术魅力。
MARTÍN CARRAL 先生曾就读于西班牙 La Llotja 工艺美术学校及巴塞罗那大学美术学院, 毕业后凭借其在艺术上秉异的天赋及不断追求卓越的努力,成为巴塞罗那皇家艺术中心的核心成 员之一。其扎实的油画功底为其不断探索及寻求画面表现力及开放空间感奠定了坚实的基础,深 受超越与动能和极简主义的影响,CARRAL 在画作的创造上,已无法满足于传统欧式空间的 2D 与 3D,其作品已然进入了拥有四个或更多维度的超空间,为观者的空间构想提供了无限的可能 与延展。画作所创造的世界以圆形、方形、椭圆形及螺旋错落排列于立体空间,配合大胆用色展 现空间层次的变换。每幅作品的诞生均需历时 CARRAL 先生数月的心血,从灵感的涌现到画布 上每一层落笔的细致与推敲,兼具理性收敛与感性释放绝不是一朝一夕所能完成。
Amazing visualization with stereo perception, addicted audition with the free loop, the mixture of logic and emotion fosters the mysterious and sexy art expression. Imagining laying on the sea, looking into the shiny sky, the chemistry motivates the profound cultural background and unique artistic glamour.
Painter and sculptor, Carral studied at the School of Arts and Crafts “La Llotja”, and became a member of the Royal Artistic Circle of Barcelona. Later he graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona. His paintings have their roots in expressionism evolved somewhat reductive abstraction. His works often contain elements relating to industrialization. What Martín Carral calls tension in space or invented architecture is derived from his early technological training, a thorough grounding in oil painting and his constant exploration of the expressive possibilities of the picture which he does not consider played-out but quite the contrary; open to infinite formal and compositional possibilities. 2D and 3D, known in conventional geometry as Euclidian space, are not enough for him. Either by intuition or through experiment he has entered what today we call hyperspace; space that has four or more dimensions which he makes visible in his painting. Upon inspection of the infinite variants of his invented architecture or tension in space, we realize that his compositions are driven by vectored spaces moving centripetally or centrifugally in successive orbits. By these means and a daring use of color Carral creates a world that is undeniably his own in which circles, squares, ellipses, sinusoids and spirals are presented in space on cubic shapes. Each painting’s finish is always with an engineering mathematical logic in heart; Carral would take several months pursuing the perfection from inspiration to practice on the canvas.