- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 9.8分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:11年
- 展厅面积:150平米
- 地 区:上海-黄浦-其他

出生年份: | 1884 |
籍 贯: | 国外-国外地区 |
Between Frontiers
Ferran Roca Bon receives his first lessons in painting from his father, the altarpiece painter Fernando Roca Desvern Guillemi, 1884 - 1967)", in the small house that he used as his studio in his home in Sant Just Desvran.
"I grew up in a dream-like atmosphere, in an area bordering the great city where nature was still to be developed; an area charged with comfortable intimacy, shadowed only by miseries peculiar to those years after the war."
Despite the magical transmutation fashioned by the brush of the artist, the house where he spent his childhood, with its garden, well and palm tree, are readily noticed in many of his works.
"My best works" - recognizes the artist - "have been the interiors of homes. My canvas tries to retain the happiness of the good times lived"
His first contact with painting techniques is at the studio of his father and that of Jordi Aluma, for whom he worked several years. The training acquired during these years allowed him to develop the technique now noticeable in all his work.
First contact with leading art movements.
In 1958 the young artist travels for the first time to Paris. As luggage he only carries a few addresses of painters which his father has given him plus the excitement of a young man of 18 who leaves Spain for the first time, a post war Spain that he felt was impoverished artistically and economically.
There he enters into contact with leading art movements, and discovers Chagal among others.
"This was very powerful. I was 18 and I was coming from a country where there was nothing. It was my first contact with the avant garde, with Juan Gris and Chagal. But it was the latter who influenced me in a very special way since with him I discovered the autobiographical work, poetry and dreams. I understood that even a cup of coffee is autobiographical and this helped me give transcendence to everyday things".
On returning to Barcelona the contrast between the world he had just known and the limited reality that surrounded him awakened in him the desire for adventure. His only thought was to discover new horizons.