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前 言 / Preface
















Ma Yiying


The transmission of cultures depends notonly on solid national strength as foundation but also on the idealism anduniversality of the culture itself.


From the perspective of national strengthfoundation, to transmit the own culture to all parts of the world, strongmilitary strengths and economic strengths are the premises. For the nature ofthe culture itself, only those universal cultures adapted to the ideals ofhumans and including the ideals of all peoples and even their dreams areacceptable for most of the people. Only cultures suitable for the developmentof the human beings can take roots and bloom on every corner of the world.


Viewing the world we’re now living in,western culture is undoubtedly provided with the above-mentioned twoconditions. The greatest advantage of the western culture is its universality.In other words, their cultural spirits echo and grasp the internal demands of thehumans, and the western culture seeks for development in a dynamitic manner byconstant advancement without ossification and conservatism and in continuousexploration. It is such cultural attitude of never being satisfied and alwaysseeking for better things that makes the western culture remain invincible.


Art is a branch of culture, just like aflower that is blooming on the tree of culture. Modern art was born from thewestern culture with the most advanced senses. It is nature and essential thatthe modern art is originated from the western world. To some extent, the modernart not only acclimatize itself to the ecological logic that the history of artitself is constantly developing and changing. It is also a spiritual reflectionof the humanistic environment and existence status of modern world representedby the United States.


It is also nature that modern art is beingextended and developed to China, which is unstoppable by any forces. The reasons that, when the world has become a global village, there’re no culturalboundaries, strong authority governs. It is the way of survival. Under thecircumstances that the traditional Chinese culture, though once profound andstubborn, was suppressed suddenly and the cultural renaissance is not withinthe foreseeable future, the western culture and art will invade vigorously.What is expressed by the modern western culture is the awareness of ubiquityfor modern people in the specific historical and spatial time, which is ofstrong universality and will easily draw resonance. Therefore, the modern artquickly became prevailing in the world and found its earth of existence in theart field of China.


It can be predicted that, in a quite longterm, the western culture and art will still guide the trends of the world.With the enhancement of national powers in an all-embracing manner as well asthe rebirth and optimization of the culture itself, the Chinese culture willundoubtedly be more and more powerful. However, it still requires a long way togo for Chinese culture to be strong enough to be independent from westernculture and even replace the United States to be the leading role of the globalculture and art.



展览信息 / Exhibition information















Organizer: Fine Arts Academy of HunanNormal University

producer:Wu Kuo

CuratorMa Yiying

Assistant Curator: Coral Lu

Exhibition director: He Ling

Exhibition execution: Kong Lulu, TangYun,Peng Cao,Pan Jiawen

Opening Time: Oct. 6th, 2014 at 8:00 p.m.

Exhibition Time: from Oct. 6th, 2014to Nov. 6th, 2014

Venue: Hunan Advance Center ForContemporary ArtChangsha CityTaiping Old street Tai Ping Li

Academic Supporting Units: Art Departmentof the Ministry of Culture of the P. R. C, China National Academy of Painting,China Abstract Art Promotion Salon

Artists: Bi Hongliang,Cang Xin,DangChaoyang,He Ling,Liu Ming, Liu Xun,Meng Luding,Shen Jingdong, TaiShuangyuan,Tan Ping, Xu Yuying,Xiao Ye, Yang Dongping,Yao Jianfeng,AleksandreGelashviliGeorgia, Alessandro RolandiItaly, Charles HechtUSA,CharleyneBoyerFrance,Denise Keele-BedfordAustralia,Kim Na MoKorea, Leonardo CevallosEcuador,Russell BeightonBritain




Works and Resumes of Artists participating the exhibition orderedaccording to Chinese phonetic alphabet


▲ 毕洪量1971年出生于山东。先后毕业于山东艺术学院、中央美术学院助教研究生课程班。中韩美术交流协会学术委员、BSC北京国际艺术交流访问项目中心艺术家、中国壁画学会会员、中国博物馆学会会员、淄博市油画壁画学会主席。

Bi Hongliang: In 1971, he was born inShandong Province and graduated from Shandong College of Arts and assistantgraduate student class of Central Academy of Fine Art. Now he is the academiccommittee member of China and South Korea Art Exchange Association, an artistof BSC Beijing International Art Exchange Visit Program Center, the member ofChina Mural Association, the member of China Museum Association and the Chiefof Oil Painting and Mural Association in Zibo City.



▲ 苍鑫(满族)1967年出生于黑龙江。198889年天津音乐学院文学进修。1991年开始自学绘画。1993年进住北京画家东村。行为艺术家,代表作:病毒系列、踩脸、交流等。现居北京。

Cang Xin (Manchu): He was born in 1967 inHeilongjiang Province. From 1988 to 1989, he was in Tianjin Conservation ofMusic for literature further study. In 1991, he began to learn painting byhimself. He moved to Beijing East Village of Artists to live in 1993, and nowhe is a performance artist. Master Works: Series of Virus, Trampling Faces,Communication and so on. He lives in Beijing now.



▲ 党朝阳1968年出生于湖南。1992年毕业于湖南师范大学美术学院。2002年毕业于中央美术学院油画系材料与表现工作室。中国美术家协会会员、胡南省油画艺委会主任、胡南省油画学会副主席。现任教于湖南师范大学美术学院,副教授、硕士生导师。

Dang Chaoyang: Born in Hunan in 1968;graduated from Fine Arts Academy of Hunan Normal University in 1992; graduatedfrom Material and Presentation Studio of Oil Painting Department of CentralAcademy of Fine Arts in 2002; Member of Chinese Artists Association; directorof the oil painting art committee and vice chairman of the Oil Paintingcommittee of Hunan; presently working as Lecturer, Associate Professorand Master Tutor in Fine Arts Academy of Hunan Normal University.



▲ 何玲1981年出生于湖南。先后毕业于中央美术学院实验艺术系,研究生同等学历;2007年赴德国进行文化艺术交流。同年获德国莱法洲文化艺术类“Kunstlerhaus//SchlossBalmoral”奖学金。湖南省油画学会副秘书长,湖南省青年美术家协会副秘书长。

He Ling: He was born in 1981 in HunanProvince. He graduated from Experimental Art Department of Central Academy ofFine Art and had graduate equivalence. In 2007, he went to Germany for cultureand art communication. He won German Rheinland-Pfalz Culture and Art cholarshipof “Kunstlerhaus//Schloss Balmoral”. Now he is deputy secretary general ofHunan Oil Painting Association and deputy secretary general of Hunan YouthArtists Association.



▲ 刘鸣现为中国美术家协会会员、湖南省美术家协会理事、湖南省中国画学会副主席。职业艺术家。居住长沙与北京两地。

Liu Ming: the member of Chinese ArtistsAssociation, director of Hunan Artists Association, deputy-chairman of Hunanprovince Chinese Painting Association. A professional artist lives both inChangsha and Beijing.



▲ 刘洵1970年出生于辽宁。1991年毕业于湖南省轻工业高等专科学校特种工艺美术专业,湖南师范大学艺术学院油画专业。2006年创建湘江实验艺术小组。当代艺术家、当代艺术策展人、长沙理工大学设计艺术学院数字媒体艺术设计系副教授。现生活工作于长沙和北京。

Liu Xun: He was born in 1970 in Liaoning Province and graduated from Special Technology Fine Arts of Hunan Light Industry Junior College and Oil Painting of Art Academy of Hunan Normal University. In 2006, he organized Xiangjiang Experimental Art Group. He is a modern artist and producer of modern art exhibition, associate professor of Digital Media Art Design Department of School of Design of Changsha University of Science and Technology and he lives and works in Changsha and Beijing.