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2021-05-24 18:44:04     

此汉代乳钉纹铜镜,规格:厚0.254cm 直径11cm重254g,整体呈圆形,圆钮,正面有些锈迹的镜面,其上锈迹斑驳,是在岁月流传之时留下的痕迹;背面多纹饰,是以多个乳钉与灵兽相间组合的形式呈现,主纹为四乳间以浮雕式的灵兽纹,圆钮,钮座外为一圆格,圆格四方排列四乳钉。整个画面象征着宇宙图式:镜钮代表茫茫宇宙的中心,钮座外的圆格表示大地;圆格外的乳钉表示支撑天盖的柱子;圆形的镜子代表天,暗含天圆地方之意。


唐太宗李世民曾说:“以铜为镜,可以正衣冠;以史为镜,可以知兴替;以人为镜,可以明得失”。 铜镜是虽然已经退出了历史舞台,被玻璃镜所取代,但其艺术价值仍是不容小觑的,而其历史价值更是无可替代的。


Specification: Thin 0.254cm, diameter 11cm, weight 254g, the whole is round, round button, the front of the mirror with some rust, the rust is moted, is the traces left by the passing of time; The back is decorated with multiple grain, which is presented in the form of a combination of a number of breast nails and spirit beast alternately. The main grain is the spirit beast pattern with relief between the four breasts. The round button, the button holder is a round lattice, and the round lattice is arranged in four breast nails. The whole picture symbolizes the cosmic schema: the button of the mirror represents the center of the vast universe, and the circle outside the button represents the earth; The round especially milk nail represents the support day cover column; The round mirror represents the sky, implying that the sky is round and the earth is round.           This bronze mirror of the Han Dynasty has exquisite overall composition and auspicious meaning. It is rich and expensive, elegant and luxurious, and can not be owned by ordinary people. And its natural wrap pulp, good appearance, is a very rare collection, has a high historical value, worth collecting.       Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin once said: "With copper as a mirror, you can dress properly; Take history as a mirror, you can know the ups and downs; Take a man as a mirror, you can see your gains and losses ". Although the bronze mirror has withdrawn from the stage of history and been replaced by the glass mirror, its artistic value is still not to be underestimated, and its historical value is irreplaceable.
