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2021-04-06 12:53:12     




英文翻译:Stone is a gift of nature to human wealth, in recent years, stone collection group, gradually developed at a rapid speed, it is estimated that the country has more than one hundred million collection groups, the magic of nature makes us appreciate the spiritual nature, a spirit of nature, we are full of awe of nature. In the antiques miscellaneous collection prevailing today, we are more and more not satisfied with food and clothing, in the food and clothing we also need spiritual nutrition, to smooth our impetuous heart.

"The beautiful stone, jade is also" jade culture everybody is not strange, as early as 5000 years ago, the ancestors of hongshan culture jade has been used to elaborate decorations and sacrifices, and from the category of large stone aesthetic from ancient hongshan culture has already begun, our life has never left stone, in the period of primitive society, humans have learned to made of stone axes, chopping, etc., we use the ink stone, taihu in court, the buddhist stone statue in wei-jin period, priceless diamond, glittering and translucent get rid of the gem, until today we are more and more to realize the value of the stone, in the hundreds of millions of years, After the earth's crust volcanic movement, we continue to find the creation of nature, some amazing "works", its "aesthetic", "strange characteristics", "cultural", "popular", have to let us.   This stone specifications: high 13cm. wide 10cm. thick 10cm, the texture of the stone surface shows a dancing ancient woman, woman shape lifelike, lifelike, from the action and dress look very like a "lady". The action of the "lady" seems to be playing the pipa, the neck is bent down, the overall posture of the "lady" is very beautiful show. At present, the stone investment market is hot, the market rose, extremely rare, there is a huge investment value, and the collection value, if you need to buy the collection, please contact our customer service, we will serve you wholeheartedly!  
