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空无与实在 ——读田旭桐画的随感

2015-03-06 21:11:04      作者: 易英








When viewing the painting by Tian Xu Tong, one will think they reflect the artist himself. The typical insight one gets from viewing artworks is from character within them, a type of quality and style. However it is different for Tian’s works. His painting are about people, their state of mind and life in general. Having gone through phases from graphic designing to abstract ink-paining and to the main theme of Zen, it is somewhat like a progression of his life. Zen is unable to interpret art and vice versa. In the case of Tian, Zen is a combination of life and art; through Zen, he is making use of his artistic ability to express life.


From his work, we are able to see a tint of graphic design and this is definitely linked to his earlier days of creating graphic works. It also gives his ink paintings a distinctive personal characteristic which makes them different from traditional ink paintings. He has not followed any existing painting style even though he has specially studied and labored in practicing traditional ink-painting. His work is so simple that it can just contain one single brushstroke like a blade of bamboo leaf or a stalk of grass. He is actually not painting these though; it is just that his strokes are so light and airy that they can be associated with objects such as bamboo leaves or grass.


Although the works of Tian Xu Tong contain distinct images, the monks he creates from simple brushstrokes are beyond abstract concepts. At first glance of his paintings; whether his structured brushstrokes are light or heavy, deliberate or swift and whether the ink applied is thick or thin, dry or wet, they are all within one or a few brushstrokes. Like a couple of his works,Shadow of the Moon and Returning to the Nest, the brushstrokes are minimal and yet they do not exist separately. One drop of thinly applied ink and a stroke of thick ink result in a meditating monk. It also implies that his singular brushstroke is not an abstract expression; it is in fact illustrating an existence of actual and psychological space. In actual fact, the long line he paints is like the horizon of the universe dividing heaven and earth. The variation of the line-be it light or heavy , slow or brisk, thick or dry-is like a hint of the ground whereby the open white space signifies the sky. The figure is situated on the ground whilst the sky is overlooking it. In spiritual terms, the monk is between heaven and earth, and in an illusory hint, meditating and contemplating are enabling him to be one with the universe, a transformation from trueness to starkness.


Tian’s brushstrokes have a certain style that defines the shapes of objects and yet they are not easily recognizable such as plants in their natural state. They are being implied abstractly and possess the artist’s life experiences. It is only when having these life experiences and becoming fixated that one can then comprehend the true meaning. The featured monk symbolizes oneself which suggests the main theme of Zen. The main theme may not be as prevalent but the meaning of Zen does not require studying of it as the meaning is actually already in the painting. The painting has dual purposes: one is a visual expression and the other a psychological expression. Both purposes are one; the latter determines the former whilst the former is a perspective of the latter.


Tian Xu Tong’s work is neither extremely detailed nor a repetition of the traditional ink-painting, his individualistic style derives from his own feelings and not a deliberate pursuit towards any form or approach. One flowing brushstroke across the surface of his paintings divides heaven and earth, and this in fact reflects his own philosophy about everything belonging to the universe, transcending all contemplations and worries, and enabling all material things to be void. Without such a realm of thought and attitude to life, it is impossible to showcase trueness onto the starkness of the composition. Zen itself is hard to fathom, however it can still be expressed through individual interpretation. It cannot be said who is best in depicting Zen but how Zen is to be featured in works of art. To the viewers of Tian’s paintings, if not for the reference to the monks, what one feels is about one’s attitude towards life and existence in the universe.
