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Fantasia… be it 介於幻想與現實的詩意


Fantasia…be it


“Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle.” 

― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland


What’s the difference between inside and outside of you? Take a glimpse beyond your past, are we still the one we dreamed to be?  


2 female artists from different countries, apart from thousands miles but still keep their fantasy dream after growing up. Artists Virginie de Limbourg and Vero Ini formed their own view in their paintings to express who they are. The paintings were not only intended to present a dream-like world, but also interacted with visitors by showing the artists’ imagination.  The artists proposed an active viewer to complete the work not from the rational understanding, but rather went a step further and dare to feel. The paintings were indented to present somewhere between dream and reality.  This is not the world we grew up in, it is a world we dreamed of.


Belgium artist’s, Virginie de Limbourg, paintings reflect a dreamlike vision of the world, with its procession of imaginary creatures and fantastic events.  These illustrated epics give rise to a unique and original graphic work, close to Art Brut. Her production of representations seems at first glance random and alike automatic writing or “cadavre exquis”. They focused on the symbolic memory of childhood and does not spare the viewer in this fundamental questioning.

Argentina artist, Vero Ini, maintains a deep bond with color since she was a little girl; she lives and carries it with her naturally.  Being the owner of an inner world full of nooks, her brushes are automatic, unconscious but very well thought; cheerful and hopeful view of the world. She’s intrigued by the contemporary context in which human beings exist, act, interact and get around.