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成立于2008年3月的A4当代艺术中心是由成都万华房地产开发有限公司全资投资的一间非盈利性的当代艺术机构。艺术中心致力于推广和发展中国当代艺术,扩展国际间文化艺术交流。万华•A4当代艺术中心持续举办当代艺术展览,开展学术研究工作,并不间断的推出艺术沙龙、麓镇音乐会、实验演出项目,还设有专门的教育中心、会员俱乐部、艺术书吧提供更多元化的艺术服务,我们希望通过与国内国际的艺术合作,搭建中国重要的当代艺术平台。 __________________________________________________________________________ A4 Contemporary Arts Center is a non-profitable contemporary arts institute solely sponsored by Chengdu Wide Horizon Real Estate Development Co., Ltd, established in March, 2008. The Center strives to spread and promote contemporary art in China and boost international culture and art communication. Every year, the Center presents a series of art activities including art exhibitions, academic lectures, A4 Arts Salon and Luxetown Concert, Experimental Performances. Specialized education center, member club and book store are also set up to provide multi-dimensional art services for the public. Through national and international cooperation, we hope to make the center one of the important platforms for contemporary art in China

联 系 人:

地  址:中国•成都•双流麓山大道二段十八号麓镇Luxetown 18# Section 2,Luxehills Boulevard, Shuangliu, Chengdu, China

电  话:+86 28 85761265

座  机:

邮  箱:a4cac@sina.com