- 编 号:500515
- 作 者:宋涤
- 销售状态:馆藏
- 库 存: 1
- 售 价:议价
(平台服务时间:周一到周五 9:00-17:00)

- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 0分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:14年
- 展厅面积:10000平米
- 地 区:北京-朝阳-其他
尺寸 | 180x97(cm) | 创作年代 | |||
作品分类 | 国画 | 形制 | 镜心 | 技法 | 设色 |
材质 | 纸本 | 题材 | 花鸟 | ||
作品标签 | |||||
适用空间 |
宋涤少年投师李苦禅、许麟庐学习写意花鸟。1963年考入北京艺术学院美术系。1964年转 宋滌作品以山水为主,亦画人体、花鸟、静物等.其书法贯通中西之长,以复合色直接入画,予物象丰富的色调变化。其吸取的西洋画法,同时也被赋予了中国画的传统精神,成功地改变了传统水墨画旧有的面貌.其作品致广大、尽精微;沁人心脾、豁人耳目;在题材、构图、色彩、表现时空变化和意境上均有很大突破,丰富并发展了中国传统文化.近年来, 宋滌以其独树一帜的艺术风格与魅力瞩目于中国画坛,更有中国权威美术评论家誉其画作进入大家境界。
宋先生画山,山山不同;画水,江流各界;他画瀑布、野涧、山溪,互有奇妙。他笔下的平川、大漠、荒原、林莽、树叶、村落老街、旧宅深巷,弥散出活脱脱的生命气息,表现出地藐、季节、岁月差异特征和四季春秋,阴晴朝暮,风雨浸蚀。日月照射、历史投影的痕印。还有宋先生的人体、 花鸟、 静物,无不包含着他 “虽至精工, 居然大雅” “的艺术品格和“沁人心脾、 豁人耳目”的魅力。
Song Di (Born 1945)
Song was born in Shandong in 1945. He is now a professor at the Central Institute of Arts and Crafts. He learned painting from Li Kuchan (1899-1983), enrolled in the Department of Fine Arts of Beijing Academy of Arts for figures, Flowers and Birds painting, while later transferred to Central Institute of Arts and Crafts, at which he lectured after graduation. Song's subject matters are mainly landscapes, others include figure, still life, flowers and birds. Song prefers to show the tranquility, openness and spirituality of the nature, and his delicate arrangement of the paintings has made his paintings outstanding and innovative. His use of colour was influenced by western arts, yet his brush strokes remain Chinese traditional styles so as to bring up new inspiration of ink painting.