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The Return From The Trip

The Return From The Trip

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The Return From The Trip
galerie bruno massa
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作品信息 作者信息 交易评论 本画廊其他作品
尺寸 90x70(cm) 创作年代 2010年
作品分类 油画 材质 布面 题材 人物
Andrea Vandoni

Andrea Vandoni

出生年份: 1972
籍  贯: 国外-意大利


When I was a child I was used to draw the whole day. 
I liked looking at things interpreted in my drawings more than the real ones, so I took painting lessons for some time. My father always took me to visit the best museums in Italy, and I grew up with a passion for Art and History.
Then my energies have been diverted to the music. After obtaining a Violin Diplome at the Conservatorio Statale di Musica of my city, I worked as a musician and teacher. 
For some years now the passion for painting is resurfaced and I began to study painting and attending courses at the "Scuola degli Artefici" and the "Scuola dl Nudo" of "Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera" in Milan. 
I love antique art, that of the Renaissance and the late nineteenth century - early twentieth century.
"The human figure and the things that surround us are the focus of my attention in their timelessness and modernity, in the way I see or imagine." "Mine is the search for a relative realism, subjective and imaginary". Among other topics, current events, ecology, revisiting old arguments in a modern way, objects (especially coffee-pots) symbolizes human situations, and the portrait. I believe that painting should restore its narrative function, I want my paintings speak about us, our problems, our dreams, our feelings, with the utmost possible beauty".

