- 编 号:423769
- 作 者:Jens Schott Knudsen 查看拍卖记录
- 销售状态:待售(不可在线交易) 待展览 2016-05-23号后可提货
- 库 存: 9
- 售 价:议价
(平台服务时间:周一到周五 9:00-17:00)

- 资质:
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1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 7分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:10年
- 展厅面积:30平米
- 地 区:北京-东城-其他
尺寸 | 45x30(cm) | 创作年代 | 不详 | ||
作品分类 | 摄影 | 材质 | 数码照片 | 题材 | 人文纪实 |
作品标签 | 社会现实 市井题材 中国元素 | ||||
适用空间 | 客厅 餐厅 书房 盥洗室 办公室 酒店 广场 购物中心 |
各种各样的灯把城市变得喧嚣。 在城市的拥挤空间,巨大的背光招牌和店面把黑夜变成了白昼。但是仅仅拐一个弯你就能发现自己身处安静的胡同里,昏暗的路灯, 裸露的灯泡,还有“串”。
Life in Beijing happens in the streets. The scarcity of personal space pushes daily activities outside—from eating and drinking to singing and exercise. At night, Beijing’s streets transform into social hubs. Indeed, even today, communal life and an outdoor culture define much of Beijing.
The hustle and bustle happens against a myriad of different lights. In the city’s crowded spaces, large, back-lit signs and store-fronts turn night into day. But turn a corner, and you may find yourself in a quiet hutong with dimly-lit streetlight, exposed light bulbs, and neon chaun’r (串) signs.
The uneven lighting is intrinsically linked to Beijing’s enormous contrasts between new and old. And from above, the glow from Beijing’s newer buildings accentuates the veil of modernity that has covered this ancient city. Long into the night, endless streams of traffic illuminate Beijing’s ring-roads, and in the commercial centers, like Guomao and Financial Street, shining skyscrapers dominate the cityscape.
These photographs explore this contrast between new and old, as seen in Beijing’s disparate light. Together, they picture how the roots of the city have proven strong--despite the breakneck development that has occurred since Lin first noticed the startling incongruences of life under Beijing’s ancient branches.
孔彦森(Jens Schott Knudsen)是一名住在北京的丹麦摄影师和律师。作为摄影师,他和历史学家以及城市设计者合作记录北京的迅猛发展。他的照片扎根于这个城市的历史和新旧的对比。他的作品曾被多家新闻机构发表,例如卫报,赫芬顿邮报和亚太财经频道。他也给华盖创意图像技术有限公司投稿。
Jens Schott Knudsen is a Danish photographer and lawyer based in Beijing. As a photographer, he has collaborated with historians and urban planners to document Beijing’s rapid changes. Jens’ work has been featured by several news outlets including the the Guardian, Huffington Post, and CNBC. He is also a contributor to Getty Images.