Malena Ⅳ
(平台服务时间:周一到周五 9:00-17:00)

- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 7分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:10年
- 展厅面积:30平米
- 地 区:北京-东城-其他
尺寸 | 40x40(cm) | 创作年代 | 2015年 | ||
作品分类 | 综合材料 | 材质 | 其它 | 题材 | 抽象 |
作品标签 | |||||
适用空间 | 办公室 酒店 广场 酒吧 |
“Pedalavo come se fuggissi, e in realtà fuggivo. Da lei, da quelle emozioni, dai sogni, dai ricordi, da tutto e pensavo che dovevo dimenticare. Ero certo che sarei riuscito a dimenticare, ma oggi che sono vecchio, che ho consumato banalmente la vita, che ho conosciuto tante donne che mi Hanno detto: “Ricordati di me”e io le ho scordate tutte, ancora oggi e’ lei l’unica che non ho mai dimenticato, Malena.”
“I pedaled as fast as I could, as if I were escaping from longing, from innocence, from her. Time has passed, and I have loved many women. And as they've held me close and asked if I will remember them, I've said, "Yes, I will remember you." But the only one I've never forgotten is the one who never asked...Malena.”
I watched Giuseppe Tonatore's "Nuovo Cinema Paradiso", "The Legend of 1900", "Malèna", I shed a lot of tears when I saw these movies. These movies are telling stories about love, that makes me think of myself; I often wait for love and be loved, I'm looking forward to meeting him. However, increasingly long time, I feel the love has gone away from me. I thought my love has been covered, he's behind the dark curtain, There are no actors, no stories behind the curtain, Only me. I was facing the dark curtain of tears, my tears are sparkling and crystal clear, and I can see you are looking at them. In front of black and white, just my tears.
2011-2015年就读于北京化工大学 工业设计系公共艺术设计方向;
2013-2014年就读于台湾南台科技大学 商业艺术与视觉传达设计;
2015年参加“Santa Claus Party”中外艺术家联展,北京孙河;
2015年参加“新创-Art Surprise”青年艺术家作品展,北京草场地国际艺术区;
2015年参加英国伦敦艺术大学Workshop-Mapping Project;
2015年参加美国纽约帕森斯设计学院 Workshop-Fashion Design;
2013年参与台湾国立成功大学《梦想启程 领航新世纪 青年领导人才交流》研讨会-台湾在地文化与创新;
2014 北京国际设计周志愿者;
2013 中国国家大剧院志愿者;
2012 北京燕京希望小学支教;
2011 北京昌平长跑志愿者;
2011 北京昌平智光农场志愿者;
2011 北京昌平智光小学支教;
《致 魏世怡》
《F J L F T U R》
《Portfolio 2011-2015》作品集
From 2011 to 2015 in China, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Public Art Design specialty.
From 2013 to 2014 in Taiwan, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Commercial Art and Visual Communication Design.
From 2013 to 2014 in Taiwan National Cheng Kung University short term exchange and seminar.
Experience of exhibitions
2012 The sixth national design art Grand Prix award of excellence;
2012 The fifth session of the international art design grand prix, The gold medal;
2012 Beijing University of Chemical Technology university academic planning
competition Sixth;
2013 The fourth China University Art Exhibition Award of year;
2013 The seventh national design art Grand Prix award of excellence;
2013 Taiwan science communication career achievement award for comic creation works;
2013 Taiwan South Regional Teaching Resources Center of Southern Taiwan University of technology civic literacy - five port and Taiwan Literature Museum Confucian Temple cultural park visit personal documentary award a prize of excellent works;
2013 Taiwan Ministry of education international cooperation and exchangeproject "Taiwan & Japan joint development - animation, game APP design and development";
2013 Taiwan National Cheng Kung University "Dream Departure Pilot
New Century Youth Leadership Talent Exchange" seminar in Taiwan culture
and innovation;
2013 Taiwan science communication career development plan-Popular Science cartoon creation;
2014 Asian youth artist 2014-2015 Annual Awards exhibition at 798 art zone, Beijing;
2015 Art Surprise- Young Artists exhibition at Matthias Kueper gallery Beijing &Stuttgart;
2015 University of the Arts London’s workshop-Mapping Project;
2015 Parsons The New School for Design’s workshop-Fashion Design;
2015 Bazaar art-works exhibition at Parkson, Beijing.
2015 "Santa Claus Party" Chinese and foreign artists exhibition at Sun He, Beijing.
2015 “TEDxTHU- The Sleeved Person” Group exhibition at Academy of Fine Arts, Tsinghua University.
Volunteer experience
The 2014 Beijing International Design Week volunteers
The 2013 China National Grand Theatre volunteers
The 2012 Beijing Yanjing hope primary school education
The 2011 Beijing Changping District long-distance race volunteers
The 2011 Beijing Changping District Zhiguang farm volunteer
The 2011 Beijing Changping District Zhiguang primary school education
Art works included
"Chinese creative design yearbook 2012"
“Journal of Tainan”-February, 2014
“Joumal of Tainan”-April,2014