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- 经营时间:16年
- 展厅面积:70平米
- 地 区:香港-香港地区
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作品分类 | 多媒体 | ||||
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陈建业 (Scott Chan) 毕业于RMIT 墨尔本皇家理工大学,香港土生土长年青艺术家,喜用不同材料绘画创作,其作品每每流露出一种随心所欲的喜怒哀乐,既充满私之日记的味道,又不失玩乐之趣。陈建业与友人于2011 年成立『画画画室』,推广率心随性的艺术文化。 2013年举办首次个人网上展览 「01012013-31122013」,以日记形式于寻常收据上作画记录生活,展览获得媒体广泛的报导及赞赏。
Scott Chan Kin Yip is born in Hong Kong and graduated from the School of Art, RMIT University Australia. He likes using different materials to create artworks. With a playful and happy state of mind, the works of Chan just like the pages in his diary which often exude a freedom of emotion. Chan and his friend has established studio “huàhuàhuàshì” in 2011 and held his first solo online exhibition "01012013-31122013" in 2013. By showing sketches of his life everyday on receipts, this exhibition was widely credited and featured in media.
过往展览 2009, 200 Character of Hong Kong Cartoon Exhibition 2009, Artwork for SIU, Beijing 2010, New Beetle Art Exhibition 2013, 「流水作业」个人展览 2013, Restrictive Motivation 2013, 美酒佳餚节巨型酒瓶艺术装置展览 2013 2013,「01012013-31122013」个人流动展览 2014, 伍点伍感艺术展 2014,「跃动」出炉10周年艺术系毕业生联展 2014,「超市潮拜狂想曲」艺术展 Exhibitions 2009, 200 Character of Hong Kong Cartoon Exhibition 2009, Artwork for SIU, Beijing 2010, New Beetle Art Exhibition 2013, Flow Process exhibition 2013, Restrictive Motivation 2013, Giant Wine Bottle Design Showcase, Wine and Dine Festival 2013 2013 “01012013-31122013” Mobile Exhibition 2014, 5.5 Sense Art Exhibition 2014, Enliven-Fresh Trend 10th Anniversary Art Graduates Joint Exhibition 2014, The East Chic Pop Market Fantasia 关于「01012013 – 31122013」流动展览 一张照片、一条facebook status、一则微博、一篇日记,时下纪录生活的工具千门百样,喜怒哀乐衣食住行都被我们整理挑选再发佈。我们选择性公开部份的自己,然而却没有一种工具可以避开自我修饰的强迫意式,导致纪录没法对自己和别人诚实地呈现自己—— 纪录失去了「记录」的用途,沦为枉费力气讨好大家的小玩意。 只有在无意识的情况下才可真实地把生活和心情完整物理化,香港艺术家陈建业 (Scott Chan) 平常习惯用这唾手可得的纸来随心作画,偶而发现这项寻常的消费活动,不论是时间、地点或消费内容都被情绪完全主宰。一张不起眼的单据居然像镜子一样把当日的情绪毫无保留地反映出来,自此,Scott便把单据日復日的收集起来,一年过后便成了一个记录喜怒哀乐的年鉴,01012013 – 31122013。 Scott的年鉴跟平常人一样没有太多曲折离奇的戏剧桥段,只记载了每一个人都会遇到的经歷和相对的感受。他放弃了装模作样的修饰,将三百六十五张作品于网页上直接分享,让画家跟观众省却了应酬的额外工作,把所有目光专注在作品之上,即使足不出户都可藉着Scott的作品,认清自己一路走来的情绪起伏纪录,给自己一鼓自给自足的力气,继续走下去。展览请浏览 : http://2013.san-jiao.org About “01012013 – 31122013” Mobile Exhibition There are numerous methods to selectively record our lives these days – a photo, a Facebook status, a tweet and, of course, diary. Our brain inevitably processes and filters everything we share, in order to present something that will attract people’s attention and interest. Whilst we are pleasing the world by selectively sharing our lives, on the other hand, all these recording tools are losing their real purpose. HK artist Scott Chan has accidentally discovered a way to project his true feelings on an object in the most unconscious way. Looking back at his daily sketches on receipts from convenience stores or ATMs, the artist realises his works are simply revealing his daily emotions. This massive collection of drawings eventually turns into a sentient journal of an ordinary person’s feeling, which is eventually presented as Scott’s latest exhibition 01012013 – 31122013. Without overdramatic stories in his yearbook, Scott’s exhibition is an emotional journal, which records every feeling that anyone would encounter in life. Rather untraditional, this is an online exhibition of 365 works that does not require efforts on fraternizing and transport. As a result, the audience is able to focus on Scott’s artworks and find the emotional similarity that we all share. - See more at: http://2013.san-jiao.org本画廊其他作品
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