- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 9分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:16年
- 展厅面积:70平米
- 地 区:香港-香港地区
尺寸 | 30x46(cm) | 创作年代 | |||
作品分类 | 摄影 | 材质 | 胶片 | 题材 | 其它 |
作品标签 | |||||
适用空间 |
梁 柏豪,1982年生于香港,毕业于香港演艺学院电影电视学院。2011年作品《天桥上的人》获第六届香港鲜浪潮国际短片展公开组"特别表扬"。《天桥上的 人》获邀参加第七届波兰华沙五味影展及澳洲悉尼RED-VOLUTION艺术节。2013年获邀为新世界发展有限公司之《游玩‧四季》生活艺术项目执导微 电影《翠绿有时》。自2011年获邀参与不同的摄影艺术及多媒体展览,2013年12月获邀于北京798「桥.艺术空间」举办个人摄影展。
LEUNG Pak-ho, born in 1982, Hong Kong, and graduated from The School of Film and Television of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.In 2011, his film, “Still on the Bridge”, was awarded “Special Mention” in the open group in the 6th Film also invited to participate in the 7th Sydney Exhibition RED-VOLUTION. In 2013, he was invited to direct a short film, “Evergreen Foliage” , for the “Travel and Leisure in Four Seasons” program of New World Development Co., Ltd. Since 2011, Mr. Leung was invited to participate in different Photography and Multi Media Exhibitions. In 2013 December, he receives the offer from 798 Art Bridge Gallery to hold a solo photography exhibition at Beijing 798 Art District.
《天桥上的人》获邀参加波兰第七届 Five Flavours Polish Film Festival。
《天桥上的人》获邀参加澳洲 Sydeny Exhibition RED-volution。
2012年《天桥上的人》获邀于香港 Now TV 及美国 Direct TV 频道上播放。
2011年获邀为www.dcfever.com Fever 达人之一,为摄影专栏撰写文章。
监制作品《夏儿》于意大利拿坡里VideoMarker 电影节获"观众票选大奖"及入围2014法国康城电影节Short Film Corner。
2014 年将于台北及香港举办个人摄影展览。 商业项目上曾合作之单位包括: 招商地产 、 第一亚洲商人金银业有限公司、香港九仓电讯、香港壹传媒集团、 香港有线电视、香港电台、香港赛马会、太古地产有限公司、鸿星饮食集团、 香港御药堂、BMA Investment、S Entertainment Ltd、香港医管局新界西医院联网、香港劳工处、澳门CTM电讯、深圳天长地久婚纱摄影梦工场、深圳广播电影电视集团等等。
List of Awards or Participation in Events
Still on the Bridge, a short film was granted a Special Mention in the open group in the 6th Hong Kong Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival.The jury commented that it "A daring, touching social portrait that also offers an insightful look of a fading Hong Kong neighbourhood and its particular customs.”
Still on the Bridge was invited to participate in the 7th Five Flavours Polish Film Festival.In 2013, Still on the Bridge was invited to participate in the Sydney Exhibition RED-volution.
Still on the Bridge was shortlisted in the category of the “Best Creative Short Film” in the 49th Golden Horse Awards in Taiwan.
Still on the Bridge was screened on the "Hong Kong Films’ Day" of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Creative Arts Festival.
Still on the Bridge was broadcast on Hong Kong Now TV and US Direct TV channel.
he was invited to be the featured editor of www.dcfever.com
he was invited to participate in the “Stay in Sai Ying Pun” exhibition, and received many praises on his creative photos which present slight coarse granular texture in black and white to show the disappearing old neighborhoods.
he was invited to participate in the Crossover Art Festival themed ‘’前行不止’( Going Forward Endlessly) held by Shenzhen Coastal City. His exhibition was a conceptual black-white video showing conflicts and anxieties that urban people experienced about going forwards or backwards.
as the film "Pop-up Home" producer, the film was awarded “Jury Audiences Award” in Italy Napoli VideoMaker Film Festival. The Film also invited to participate in the 2014 Cannes Film Festival "Short Film Corner".
he was invited to shoot a documentary — “Evergreen Foliage” —for the “Travel and Leisure in Four Seasons” program of New World Development Co., Ltd. The documentary shows how an artist’s creative thoughts and process are related to natural environment.
October 2013
at the invitation of the host, he will have shot a micro film for the gala celebrating China’s National Day (October 1st) this year. The theme will focus on Hong Kong people’s love of the city and the film will be screened at the Hong Kong Coliseum on that night.
December 2013
his first photography exhibition “Nice Scenery” was at Beijing 798 Art Bridge Gallery
2014, photography exhibition will be held in Hong Kong and Taiwan.Partners of commercial programs include:China Merchants Property, First Asia Merchants Bullion Limited, Wharf T&T, Next Media Limited, Cable TV Hong Kong, Radio Television Hong Kong, Hong Kong Jockey Club, Swire Properties Limited, Super Star Group, Royal Medic, BMA Investment, S Entertainment Ltd., New Territories West Cluster of Hong Kong Hospital Authority, Hong Kong Labour Department, CTM (Macau), Shenzhen Forever Wedding Photography Co., Shenzhen Media Group, etc.