- 编 号:362917
- 作 者:Wieslaw Borkowski Jr. 查看拍卖记录
- 销售状态:在线交易
- 库 存: 1
- 售 价:议价
400 669 0999-5695

- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 10分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:12年
- 展厅面积:200平米
- 地 区:浙江-杭州-其他
尺寸 | 69x138(cm) | 创作年代 | 2014年 | ||
作品分类 | 国画 | 形制 | 立轴 | 技法 | 写意 |
材质 | 纸本 | 题材 | 其它 | ||
作品标签 | |||||
适用空间 |
1989年 出生于波兰南部皮宁尼山区的Kroscienko nad Dunajcem村。
2007年 Boston College Highschool参加交换项目。
2008年 第一次到中国北京。
2008--2011年 华沙大学中文系学习并取得学士学位。兼修中国画、书法。
2011年 获得孔子学院奖学金,在浙江大学进修中文一年,并通过汉语水平考试高级六级。毕业前在浙江大学国际教育学院举办个人画展。
2012年 获得国家奖学金,考上中国美术学院中国画系研究生。
2015年 参加中国美术学院硕士生毕业画展,其作品《飞天与天使对话》获得研究生创作金奖。成为中国美术学院国画系历史上第一个获得毕业创作金奖的外国留学生。
Wieslaw Borkowski Jr.
Polish artist based in Hangzhou (China),stone skipping master, multi-hobbyst, wanderer, cloudrider and dreamcatcher.
Interested in religious art, dialogue between East and West. Drawingmaniac, hardly separated with sketchbook.
Brief bio:
Born 1989, originates from Pieniny mountains, Kroscienko nadDunajcem, Poland.
2005-2008 attended Jesuit Highschool in Nowy Sącz. Exchange student atBoston College Highschool (2007).
2008 participated in summer exchange program to Beijing.
2008-2011 BA degree at Warsaw University, faculty of Sinology.Simultanously studied Chinese painting and calligraphy.
2011-2012 received Confucius Institutescholarship for advanced Chinese study at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou. At theend of course organized solo art exhibition.
2012 received full MA scholarship to China Academy of Art, department ofTraditional Chinese Painting.
2015 graduated and received the Golden Award for the best graduate artwork(Dialogue Between Apsara and Angel). First foreign student in department’shistory to receive this honor.
1989年 出生于波兰南部皮宁尼山区的Kroscienko nad Dunajcem村。
2007年 Boston College Highschool参加交换项目。
2008年 第一次到中国北京。
2008--2011年 华沙大学中文系学习并取得学士学位。兼修中国画、书法。
2011年 获得孔子学院奖学金,在浙江大学进修中文一年,并通过汉语水平考试高级六级。毕业前在浙江大学国际教育学院举办个人画展。
2012年 获得国家奖学金,考上中国美术学院中国画系研究生。
2015年 参加中国美术学院硕士生毕业画展,其作品《飞天与天使对话》获得研究生创作金奖。成为中国美术学院国画系历史上第一个获得毕业创作金奖的外国留学生。
Wieslaw Borkowski Jr.
Polish artist based in Hangzhou (China),stone skipping master, multi-hobbyst, wanderer, cloudrider and dreamcatcher.
Interested in religious art, dialogue between East and West. Drawingmaniac, hardly separated with sketchbook.
Brief bio:
Born 1989, originates from Pieniny mountains, Kroscienko nadDunajcem, Poland.
2005-2008 attended Jesuit Highschool in Nowy Sącz. Exchange student atBoston College Highschool (2007).
2008 participated in summer exchange program to Beijing.
2008-2011 BA degree at Warsaw University, faculty of Sinology.Simultanously studied Chinese painting and calligraphy.
2011-2012 received Confucius Institutescholarship for advanced Chinese study at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou. At theend of course organized solo art exhibition.
2012 received full MA scholarship to China Academy of Art, department ofTraditional Chinese Painting.
2015 graduated and received the Golden Award for the best graduate artwork(Dialogue Between Apsara and Angel). First foreign student in department’shistory to receive this honor.