- 编 号:812609
- 销售状态:待售(不可在线交易)
- 库 存: 1
- 售 价:议价
(平台服务时间:周一到周五 9:00-17:00)

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1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 7分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:9年
- 展厅面积:490平米
- 地 区:四川-成都-其他
创作年代 | 明清 | ||||
作品分类 | 陶瓷紫砂- 瓷器-清代 | 品种 | 斗彩 | 器型 | 瓶 |
窑口 | 其他窑口 | ||||
作品标签 | |||||
适用空间 |
清朝斗彩瓷器的产量要大于明朝成化时期。康熙、雍正、乾隆官窑也有不少精品堪与成化斗彩媲美,而且出现了较大的器型。总的来看,清朝盛世的斗彩瓷器大多数绘画精工,改变了成彩 "叶无反侧"、"四季单衣" 的弱点,图案性更强,但也失去了成彩清秀飘逸的风采。康、雍、乾官窑都有一些仿成化斗彩产品,特别是雍正时期己能有把握地仿烧出成化斗彩,但这些仿品大都署本朝年款或不落款,只有少数寄托成化款。对这些器物要从胎、釉、彩绘等儿个方面仔细辨别。另外雍正时期还烧成了粉彩斗彩,使斗彩瓷器更加华贵。乾隆以后,斗彩仍在生产,图案内容多为花草,且多团花,延续了清朝盛世时期的风格,但笔法日渐草率。
Doucai, also known as doucai, is a treasure of traditional Chinese porcelain making technology. Created in the Xuande years of the Ming Dynasty, the Ming Chenghua period of fighting color is the most respected, is a combination of underglaze color (blue and white) and glaze color decorative varieties.
Bucket color is in advance under the high temperature (1300°C) fired under the glaze blue and white porcelain, with mineral pigments for secondary color, fill the blank left by the blue and white pattern and dyed blue and white outline line space, and then again into the small kiln after low temperature (800°C) baking. Fighting color with its gorgeous and colorful colors, composed and old color, formed a decorative style in line with the aesthetic taste of the Ming people.
The output of doucai porcelain in the Qing Dynasty was larger than that in the Chenghua Period of the Ming Dynasty. Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong kiln also has a lot of high-quality goods comparable with chenghua bucket color, and there is a larger model. In general, the qing Dynasty heyday of the dou color porcelain most of the painting seiko, changed the color "leaf no side", "four seasons single clothes" weakness, pattern is stronger, but also lost into the color elegant elegant demeanor. Kang, yong, dry kiln have some imitation chenghua bucket color products, especially yongzheng period has been able to imitate burning chenghua bucket color, but most of these imitation products department of the dynasty year or not signed, only a few places chenghua. To these implements want from embryo, glaze, coloured drawing to wait for a respect to distinguish carefully. In addition, the Yongzheng period was also burned into a pastel bucket color, so that the bucket color porcelain more luxurious. After The Reign of Emperor Qianlong, doucai was still in production, and the patterns were mostly flowers and flowers, which continued the style of the Prosperous Period of the Qing Dynasty, but the brushwork was increasingly sloppy.