


  • 编  号:812298
  • 销售状态:待售(不可在线交易)  
  • 库  存: 1
  • 售  价:议价
买家服务热线: 400-601-8111

(平台服务时间:周一到周五 9:00-17:00)

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    1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 7
  • 印象:
    比较负责 值得信任 服务热情 比较有实力 出手非常快
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作品信息 交易评论 本画廊其他作品
创作年代 明清
作品分类 陶瓷紫砂- 瓷器-明代 品种 青花 器型
窑口 其他窑口


成化瓷是汉族瓷器烧制的稀世珍品。成化时期是瓷器发展的鼎盛时期,有句话叫“明看成化,清看雍正”,意思就是成化瓷器在明朝各代中是拔尖的。 大明成化青花可谓明代中期青花瓷艺术的代表。其器突出特点是玲珑秀奇、端巧工细,后人对其评价颇高。成化青花可分为两类:一类为成化初年所制,各方面都与宣德青花相似,尤其是采用进口苏麻离青,更难与宣德青花区分;另一类以胎薄、釉白、青色淡雅为主要特征,是成化青花的代表,与后来弘治青花相类似,故有“成弘不分”的说法。 成化青花除了前期官窑瓷有的继续使用苏麻离青料,笔法也如宣德青花用小笔触,其青花发色浓重,有浓淡层次和黑褐色结晶斑,与宣德晚期青花非常接近,并和多数浅淡色调同时并存。中晚期主要使用江西乐平县产的陂塘青,也称平等青。色料淘炼精细,含杂质较少,发色柔和淡雅,蓝中闪灰,呈色非常稳定、平静,颇有水黑画风格,与洁白温润的胎釉和纤细的纹饰相衬,分外脱俗。但往往因釉质肥厚,青花色淡,而有云遮雾障若隐若现的现象。尤以底足的青花款色调表现得最为突出。   Chenghua porcelain is the rare treasure of han porcelain firing. The Chenghua period was the heyday of porcelain development. There is a saying that "See Chenghua in Ming Dynasty, see Yongzheng in Qing Dynasty", which means that Chenghua porcelain was the best in the Ming dynasty. The Ming Chenghua blue and white porcelain is the representative of the mid Ming Dynasty blue and white porcelain art. Its outstanding characteristics are exquisite, exquisite, exquisite end, the posterity of its high evaluation. Chenghua blue and white can be divided into two categories: one is made in the early years of Chenghua, which is similar to Xuande blue and white in all aspects, especially the use of imported Su Ma from green, which is more difficult to distinguish from Xuande blue and white; The other is characterized by thin embryo, white glaze and elegant cyan, which is the representative of chenghua blue and white. It is similar to hongzhi blue and white later, so it is said that "Chenghong is not divided". Chenghua blue and white porcelain in addition to the early imperial porcelain continued to use su ma green material, the brushwork is also like xuande blue and white porcelain with small brushwork, its blue and white hair color is strong, with dark and light layers and dark brown crystal spots, very close to the xuande late blue and white, and most of the light color at the same time. In the late period of the main use of Jiangxi Leping county produced PI Tang Green, also known as equal green. The color material is refined and refined, with less impurities, the hair color is soft and elegant, blue and gray, and the color is very stable and calm, quite a water-black painting style, and the white and warm glaze and fine decorative line, particularly refined. But often because of enamel hypertrophy, green color is light, and there are clouds and foggy barrier. Especially with bottom sufficient blue and white money tonal expression gets most outstanding.  

