


  • 编  号:812295
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作品分类 陶瓷紫砂- 瓷器-元代 品种 釉里红 器型
窑口 其他窑口


釉里红是中国瓷器史上的一一个特殊品种,无论是创烧时间还是工艺技术都与青花不相上下。然而青花瓷器自元代至今,历经三个王朝却从没有间断过,而釉里红却因种种原因不断停烧。由于釉里红烧制的难度较大,跑不稳定,烧成的几率非常低,因此现存的釉里红瓷器数量较少,收藏价值极佳。 釉里红整器造型优美,线条圆润、流畅,胎质细腻坚致,青白釉略闪灰,釉里红发色鲜艳,达到了器型、瓷质和装饰艺术三者和谐统一,代表了元代釉里红瓷的高水平,属不可多见的瓷珍品。釉里红瓷是传统陶瓷中的艺术珍品,属于元代中期景德镇劳动人民的重要发明之-。釉里红瓷制作工序与同时代的青花瓷大体相同,它是以氧化铜作着色剂,于胎上绘画纹饰后,罩施透明釉,在高温(1300°C) 还原焰气氛中烧成。因红色花纹在釉下,故称釉里红瓷。 釉里红瓷创烧于元代,但数量极少,可谓凤毛麟角。原因是釉里红瓷烧制难度大,成品率极低。釉里红的色剂是氧化铜,铜离子对温度极为敏感,在窑炉中火候不到,呈现黑红色或灰红色;火候稍过铜离子便挥发,从釉层中逸出,呈现特有的飞红现象或干脆退色,纹饰不连贯。当时烧柴窑很难控制窑温,无法大规模生产。且元人尚白,汉人尚红,民族认同感也有别,所以釉里红产量一直很小,流存至今其存世量更是珍罕无比,价值弥足珍贵。 釉里红瓷存世量稀少,烧成难度大,特殊性强,有自身的装饰特色,因此深受古玩收藏大家的喜爱。釉里红人物梅瓶,品相完好,做工精致,规整对称,饱满玲珑,高雅大气,纹饰丰富,布局合理,繁而不乱,深浅分明,绚丽多彩,胎体坚密,釉色莹润,实乃-件可遇不可求的釉里红瓷收藏佳品,艺术感染力强,投资收藏价值佳,值得藏友们倾情珍藏!   Youligong is a special variety in the history of Chinese porcelain, whether it is burning time or technology are comparable with blue and white. However, blue and white porcelain since the Yuan Dynasty, after three dynasties have never been interrupted, and Youligong has stopped burning because of various reasons. Due to the difficulty of youligong firing, running unstable, the probability of firing is very low, so the number of existing Youligong porcelain is less, the collection value is excellent. Youligong whole device beautiful shape, smooth lines, smooth, delicate and firm, green glaze slightly flash gray, youligong hair color bright, reached the model, porcelain and decorative art three harmonious unity, representing the yuan Dynasty Youligong porcelain high level, is not seen porcelain treasures. Youligong porcelain is the art treasures of traditional ceramics, which belongs to the important invention of the working people of Jingdezhen in the middle of yuan Dynasty. The production process of youligong porcelain is roughly the same as that of contemporary blue and white porcelain. It is made of copper oxide as the colorant, painted on the embryo, covered with transparent glaze, and burned in high temperature (1300°C) reducing flame atmosphere. Because the red pattern is under the glaze, it is called youligong porcelain. Youligong porcelain was created in the Yuan Dynasty, but the number is very small, it can be described as rare. The reason is that youligong porcelain is difficult to fire, and the yield is very low. Youligong color agent is copper oxide, copper ion is very sensitive to temperature, in the furnace heat, black red or gray red; When the heat is slightly higher than the copper ion volatilizes, it escapes from the glaze layer, presenting a unique phenomenon of flying red or simply fade, and the decoration is not coherent. At that time, it was difficult to control the temperature of the kiln and large-scale production was impossible. And yuan is still white, Han is still red, the sense of national identity is also different, so youligong production has been very small, the amount of its existence is rare and incomparable, the value is precious. Youligong porcelain is rare in existence, difficult to burn, strong particularity, has its own decorative characteristics, so it is loved by everyone in antique collection. Youligong character mei bottles, appearance in good condition, do manual work is delicate, neat symmetry, full and exquisite, elegant atmosphere, rich decorative design, rational layout, numerous and not random, depth is clear, colorful, glaze, jade-like stone embellish, carcass quality of solid - a rare not youligong porcelain collection, strong artistic appeal, investment collection value, it is to be worth to collect for Tibetan friends dedecates road!  


