- 编 号:809759
- 销售状态:待售(不可在线交易)
- 库 存: 1
- 售 价:议价
(平台服务时间:周一到周五 9:00-17:00)

- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 7分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:6年
- 展厅面积:300平米
- 地 区:上海-徐汇-其他
创作年代 | |||||
作品分类 | 杂项- 现当代钱币-现当代钱币 | 品相 | 八品 | 品类 | 其它 |
材质 | 纸 | ||||
作品标签 | |||||
适用空间 |
1955年是中国粮票史上具有深远意义的一年,各种粮食票证铺天盖地地进入中国社会。以“粮食部”名义印制的1955年版粮票开始在全国各地发行使用。就成新;粮票是特定的历史文物,富有广泛的文化内涵,它具有历史性、知识性、文化性,更是反映了中国各个历史时期的社会经济状况,有重要的研究价值和收藏价值 。且粮票品相极好,设计优雅,印刷精美,更重要的是经历了历史的洗礼 粮票自身是没有价值的票证,但凭粮票可买到国家牌价粮食,实际上粮票成了一种有价证券。粮票的面值等于国家牌价粮价与市场价之差。1993年后中国已取消使用粮票,粮票很快进入了收藏品的行列,全国集“粮”爱好者也在不断扩大。近两年在香港、澳门特区和欧美一些国家高价购买竞相收藏中国粮票中的珍品。随着时间推移,集粮热的升温,粮票收藏品市场也必将上扬。只要掌握好收藏粮票的基本原则,投资收藏粮票前景十分可观。粮票曾作为中国的第二“货币”,在中国历时40年,它反映了中国各个历史时期的社会经济状况,有较为重要的研究价值和收藏价值。
1955 is a year of profound significance in the history of China's food stamps. All kinds of food stamps have entered the Chinese society. The 1955 version of food stamps printed in the name of the Ministry of food began to be issued and used all over the country. As a special historical relic, food stamps have a wide range of cultural connotations. They are historical, intellectual and cultural. They reflect the social and economic conditions of various historical periods in China and have important research value and collection value. Moreover, the food stamps are excellent in appearance, elegant in design and exquisite in printing. What's more, they have experienced the baptism of history Food stamps have no value in themselves, but they can be used to buy grain at the national price. In fact, food stamps have become a kind of valuable securities. The face value of the food ticket is equal to the difference between the national price and the market price. Since 1993, the use of food stamps has been cancelled in China. Food stamps have quickly entered the ranks of collectibles, and the fans of "food" collection in China are also expanding. In the past two years, we have been in Hong Kong, Macao SAR and some countries in Europe and the United States to pay high prices for the treasures in the collection of Chinese food stamps. As time goes on, with the increase of grain collecting heat, the market of grain ticket collection will also rise. As long as we master the basic principles of collecting food stamps, the prospect of investment in collecting food stamps is very considerable. As the second "currency" of China, food stamps have been in China for 40 years. It reflects the social and economic conditions of China in various historical periods, and has relatively important research value and collection value.