


  • 编  号:791809
  • 销售状态:展示   展览中 2020.12.01号后可提货
  • 库  存: 6
  • 售  价:议价
买家服务热线: 400-601-8111

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作品分类 杂项- 现当代钱币-现当代钱币 品相 七品及以下 品类 编年币





此币正面珠圈内图案为稻穗组成的嘉禾纹,珠圈外上环书楷体“中华民国”四字、下环书币值,字体端庄工整,挺拔清秀,十分清晰,左右两端长之花饰之。背面珠圈内镌交叉五色旗与铁血十八星旗,上沿为英文“HO-NAN”,下沿为英文“200 CASH(200仙)。此币乃采用优质铜材料精制而成,其保存完整,有自然磨损痕迹,包浆自然醇厚,具有很高的收藏价值。整体设计精美,做工精细,纹饰丰富,布局合理,层次鲜明,线条流畅优雅,工艺纯熟精湛,艺术价值较高。



Introduction to the 200 (sichuan) collection of the 15th year of the republic of China:

This coin is 200 copper COINS with the character of sichuan in the 15th year of the republic of China. On the front side of the coin, the square mark is "15 years of the republic of China". Under the coin, "each coin is 200". On the back of the coin, a four-pointed star is cast, with a pattern of wheat around it. The "200" in the center represents the monetary value of the coin. As a kind of antique, coin has always been the focus of collectors. In recent years, with the increasing heat of collection and investment, copper COINS are increasingly popular, and prices have been rising all the way, especially the rare copper COINS, in the collection trading market is very active. This minguo 200 COINS occupies an important position in the monetary history of sichuan, representing the currency culture of modern sichuan, reflecting the vicissitudes of local history, economy and finance, with high artistic appreciation value and cultural relic value.

R.O.C. 200 double flag COINS

On the front of this coin, the pattern in the bead ring is a grain of grain made up of rice ears. On the outer ring of the bead ring, the word "republic of China" is printed in regular script. On the back side of the bead ring, there are five color flags and eighteen star flags of iron and blood. The top edge is "ho-nan" in English, and the bottom edge is "200 CASH" in English. This coin is made of high quality copper material, which is well preserved, has natural wear marks, and has high collection value. The overall design is exquisite, the work is fine, the grain is richly decorated, the layout is reasonable, the level is bright, the line is fluent elegant, the craft is consummate, the artistic value is high.

Qing dynasty copper COINS made when ten - word version. This fine copper coin is perfect in appearance and round in color. On the front of the coin, there are four characters "qing dynasty copper coin" and "chuan" in the middle. Chuan refers to sichuan province, so it can be seen that this qing dynasty copper coin is a coin issued to sichuan province. The outer ring of the bead ring is manchu and gan zhi nian "c wu", around the "department" two words, under the ring cast "when making money ten "; Money circulation wear less, the money surface clean and neat, clear, font deep handsome, regular neat, straight and beautiful, very beautiful. On the back of the coin, there is a lifelike dragon inside the bead ring. The carving technology is exquisite, the dragon grain is delicate, the dragon is deep, the dragon eye is bright, powerful and overbearing, showing royal majesty, very shocking, let people see all clap their hands. The four characters "made in the year of guangxu emperor" inscribed on the ring outside the bead ring, surrounded by English, have been integrated into the foreign writing culture. It can be seen that China has been in contact with foreign countries since the qing dynasty, which is the distinctive historical mark of this period. Has the high collection value!


