


  • 编  号:783847
  • 销售状态:待售(不可在线交易)  
  • 库  存: 1
  • 售  价:议价
买家服务热线: 400-601-8111

(平台服务时间:周一到周五 9:00-17:00)

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作品信息 交易评论 本画廊其他作品
创作年代 不详
作品分类 杂项- 现当代钱币-现当代钱币 品相 十品(完美品) 品类 其它


     中国是世界上最早使用金属铸币的国家,距今已有四千余年历史。发展过程中连绵不断,形成了极具东方色彩的中国货币体系,在世界钱币史上独树一帜。    1911年,辛亥革命胜利推翻了满清皇权的统治,孙中山先生在南京就任临时大总统,并在1912年3月颁布了鼓铸造新式货币的法令。全国各地既开始铸造民国图案的新式铜元,湖南省是武昌起义后全国最早宣布脱离满清统治,宣告独立的省份之一,在这种政局形势的发展下,湖南省造币厂铸造了一批铸工十分精致的湖南铜元当十。  
   中华民国当十湖南铜元,铜币正面珠圈上缘铭国名"中华民国",下缘纪值"当十",左右各饰一小五瓣花星,珠圈内铭币名"湖南铜元"四字。铜币背面珠圈上缘铭英文省名"HU-NAN",下缘英文纪值"TEN CASH",左右各饰一小五瓣花星,珠圈内刻一"九角星",九角内外两圈各九颗共十八星,又称"九角十八星图",或"铁血十八星图",象征着当时的中原十八个独立省份。
    China is the first country in the world to use metal coins, which is more than more than 4,000 years old.    The development process has been continuous, forming a very oriental color of China's monetary system, unique in the history of world coins. In the 1911, the Revolution won the reign of the imperial power, and Mr. Sun Yat-sen took office in Nanjing as the interim president, and in March 1912 issued a decree on the new currency of drum casting.      All over the country not only began to cast the Republic of China pattern of the new copper, Hunan province is Wuchang Uprising after the first national declaration of separation from Manchu rule, declared independent of one of the provinces, in this political situation, Hunan Mint casting a group of foundry very delicate Hunan copper when ten. The Republic of China when ten Hunan copper, copper head beads on the upper edge of the Ming name "Republic of China", the lower margin of the value of "when ten", left and right decorative a small five-petal flower star, the Pearl Circle Ming coin Name "Hunan Copper" four words. Copper back bead on the upper edge of the Ming and English province name "HU-NAN", the lower margin of the English discipline "TEN CASH", left and right decoration of a small five-petal flower star, the Pearl Circle engraved a "nine corner star", nine corners inside and outside the two laps nine a total of 18 stars, also known as "nine corner 18 star map", or "iron Blood 18 star map", symbolizing the then Central Plains 18 independent Provinces。
   Copper, Hunan province, Republic of China when Ten is not the same as other versions, other versions of the coin decorations are Shuangqi, this is party emblem, relatively rare, the value also appears to be more precious. From the front of the coin, the pearl circle directly read the "Hunan Copper" four words, there are six flowers in the middle, the pearl circle outside the "Republic of China" words, the value of the next ring "when Ten", left and right decorative Huashing.    It is recorded that the six-petal ornaments in this currency heart have "big six-petal flower" and "small six-petal flower" Two kinds of layout, this coin is and rare "big Six-petal flower" version, the value is good, very worthy of treasure. In every historical stage of our country has its own unique form of currency, more or less reflects the social background and cultural characteristics of an era, under the ancient emperor autocratic rule, the turnover of each emperor is accompanied by the reform of the currency, in the study of ancient coins, but also in the understanding and understanding of a history.
   This coin pulp thick, clear tattoo font, the use of traces is very obvious, side teeth regular, in line with the casting process at that time, belongs to Hunan copper character excellent top! The coin development process has been continuous, forming a very oriental color of China's monetary system, unique in the history of world coins. This coin has a very high collection value and appreciation value, is the collection play on top of the boutique!

