- 编 号:782741
- 销售状态:待售(不可在线交易)
- 库 存: 1
- 售 价:议价
(平台服务时间:周一到周五 9:00-17:00)

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1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 7分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:2023年
- 展厅面积:1500平米
- 地 区:重庆-渝北
创作年代 | 其他 | ||||
作品分类 | 杂项- 石刻-古代石刻 | 品相 | 全品 | 器型 | 其它 |
题材 | 其它 | ||||
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弥勒佛 意译为慈氏,音译为梅呾利耶,在大乘佛教经典中,常被称为阿逸多菩萨摩诃萨,是世尊释迦牟尼佛的继任者,未来将在娑婆世界降生修道,成为娑婆世界的下一尊佛(也叫未来佛),即贤劫千佛中第五尊佛,常被称为“当来下生弥勒尊佛”。被唯识学派奉为鼻祖,其庞大思想体系由无著菩萨、世亲菩萨阐释弘扬,深受中国大乘佛教大师支谦、道安和玄奘的推崇。 在一些汉传佛教的寺院里,常见到的大肚弥勒(或大肚比丘)以布袋和尚为原型塑造。此在佛教作为表法教育,表示“量大福大”,提醒世人学习包容。
Lever paraphrase is Tzu shi, transliteration for Mei Lier, in the Mahayana Buddhist classics, often known as the Ayido Bodhisattva Maha, is the successor of the Deity Buddha, the future will be born in the world of Saha, to become the next Buddha in the world of Saha (also known as the Future Buddha), that is, the fifth Buddha of the Buddha, often known as "when to live Maitreya Buddha." By the School of knowledge as the ancestor, its huge ideological ideology by the absence of Bodhisattva, Shi Bodhisattva Interpretation and promotion, by the Chinese Mahayana Buddhist Masters humility, Doan diaries praise. In some Han Buddhist monasteries, the big belly Maitreya (or big belly Bhikshu) is often seen as a prototype of a sack monk. This education in Buddhism as a form of law means "great fortune", reminding the world to learn and be tolerant.
This golden Buddha thick wall gilt casting, casting exquisite and delicate, open face is very good, smiling face often open, very infectious. The original old chop cover, gilt Jinking excellent, and this is the royal court to create the Buddha statues, should be from the Qianlong dynasty to the court to create a famous craftsman hand, for the Qing Dynasty Maitreya Buddha.
This buddha seems simple, but quaint has charm, exquisite workmanship casting chisel engraved excellent results, is the real casting and chisel carving art combination of gilt Kim bronze Buddha statues, chisel engraved complex and delicate, dharma fluency, physical look very shocking, physical you stand which angle to see Buddha is smiling at you, artistic appeal is very strong. This buddha bronze is extremely thick, although the back cover can not see the inner chamber, but knock on the copper to listen to the sound know is indeed copper very thick without adulteration, very rare, is a collection of play on the boutique!