- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 7分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:13年
- 展厅面积:200平米
- 地 区:台湾-台湾地区
- 展览时间:2017-04-07 - 2017-04-12
- 展览城市:台湾-台湾地区
- 展览地点:台北市信义区虎林街164巷36号3楼
- 策 展 人:
- 参展人员:
海特思画廊(新加坡)将于4 月7 日至4 月12 日于艺境画廊举办「水,化...线在|韩娥璼&具祉良双个展」。
南韩纺织艺术家,具祉良第三次个展——「线在」具有一系列崭新的抽象作品,呈献着探索图像的实质性。本展使用纺织品的碎片 编织出抽象的景象,因而展现了艺术家精緻的感性。当观众远离作品时,景象会慢慢逐渐形成,就犹如在回想遥远的回忆。
‘Somewhere in time’ ceramic exhibition from 7th to 12th April 2017 at Artdoor. She is a ceramic artist creating contemporary installation and sculptures that present the contemplative, contradicting moments in life. ‘Somewhere in time’ unveils a series of white porcelain works with splashes of paint, representing the fragility and vibrancy of one’s existence.
‘I walk the line…’ features a series of new abstract work, exploring the materiality of images. The exhibition showcases the refined sensibility of the artist, using fragments of textile, weaving an abstract scenery. Like recalling a memory, an image gradually develops as one walks further from the artwork.