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2017-07-13 11:09:11     

《自我选择合订本》用倒叙的语言结构进行铺陈,在国贸的CHENG PROJECT展出的上册 | 不记桃花源,更像是本次展览的结果或答案,而在798成当代艺术中心呈现的下册 | 侧题虚空谷则是针对结果抛出的问题,而两者的关系在并行中紧密的连接、提问与发生。展览由选择和被选择的自我迷惑开始,进入到画廊、策展人和艺术家之间身份的开放性与被限定化的矛盾逻辑中,每个被策展人选定的策展人如何应用策展人的身份去理解做为艺术家自己的呈现方式值得期待,呈现的动机可能更值得质疑,身份的叠加的优势在呈现中转换成既充满权利的分配价值,又拥有独立思考的陈述,这是策展人的展览还是艺术家的展览,在整个展览过程中都存在讨论的动机和意义。


回到权力,当既定策展人放弃权力,将展览交付他人掌控,看似获得权力的艺术家摇身成为策划者,使用权力完成自己的个展,当双重权力身份得到最好的应用时,这样集中放大的权力却又是被看似不作为的选择者所选择。那么,权力的归属依旧属于选择了艺术家成为策展人的始作者。这种看似幼稚游戏的逻辑随着时代的推进更新,不过是从旧的转向到新的意识形态的方法,成为现实中艺术本体范围中所谓不断获得更大自由的障眼法,权力从来都属于游戏的制定者,与从善如流或企图改变者均相去甚远触之不及。 我们选择了什么?什么选择了我们?


Bound Volumes of Self-Selection Vol.1: Unaccounted Utopia

Vol.2: Side Profiled Nihility

Chief Curator: Feng Xi

Artists: Ai Moyang, Chen Xiaoyun,(Chen Xiaoyun, Lu Lei, Zhao Yang, Jiang Bo, Zhang Ying),Li Yiwen, Ma Han, Yu Ying, Wang Jiang, Yang Xinguang(Wang Quetu, Yang Jian, Zhang Shuai, Huang Jiayan, Wang Che, Zhu Yue, Zhang Ying).

Location: Cheng Project / Cheng Center for Contemporary Art

Opening: 29th June 2017 / 1st July 2017 16:00

Duration: 29th June – 12rd August 2017


《Bound Volumes of Self-Selection》is elaborated by a language structure of flash-back, for the part Vol.1 | Unaccounted Utopia presented at Cheng Project(@ China World Mall) is more like an outcome or an answer of the exhibition, whereas another part Vol.2 | Side Profiled Nihility showed at CCCA (@ 798) turns to be an question posed according to the result. As the two parts forward in parallel, the relationship between them stays closely connected, questioned and happened. The exhibition starts from the self-confusion of selecting and being selected, falling into the openness of identity among gallery, curator and artists, and into a qualified logical contradiction. The forms are worthy of the wait, as those curators selected by principal curator use the identity of a curator comprehending the fact of also being an artist. On the contrary, the motivations worth more doubt. As being displayed, the advantage of overlap identity transforms to the distribution value of power and the statement of independent thinking. The dilemma if the exhibition belongs to the curator or the artists, is motivated and meaningful to be discussed.


But back to the power, when the principal curator quits the authority and passes it to other artists, after being received power to be planners, they make use of the power to carry out their shows. Although the dual power is fully applied, this concentrated power seem as a choice made by an inactive chooser. Hence the power still belongs to the initiator who chose artists to be their own curator. The logic which looks like childish game, continuously being updated as the era marches on. is merely a way to transform the past ideology to a new one. It becomes only a smoke screen for the sake of more freedom within the art otology in reality. The rule maker always monopolizes the power, leaving either conformist or revolutionary in the dust.


What do we choose? What chooses us?





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